Cheat days-advices needed!

Well, I was reading about "cheat days" and I have some doubts and need some advice on that.
On weekends I can say that I have a "cheat day". It starts on Saturdays´s lunch and it ends on Sundays´s afternoon tea. But sometimes it goes until going to bed which I find really a bad habit....
I go to the gym on Saturdays and I pratice more exercise than on any other day.
But I would like to restrict the "cheat day" or maybe not do it every weeks but only once in two weeks. My problem is that I have this habbit for years and I always think of weekends as being different.
Also the fact that I don´t work on weekends and that the whole family is at home eating whatever they want, mainly not good things for someone who wants to reduce weight and things that I just love makes it too hard to go for a whole weekend staying close to the diet.
Could you give me some advice on how I could reduce "cheat" days for once in two weeks, I mean, stay close to my diet for one whole weekend or some advice on what I could do to change the "cheat day" into a cheat half day?
Very difficult when you have kids eating all sort of things and a husband who loves Nutella, bread and doesn´t want to have a proper meal for lunch....
Thanks in advance for the advices! :smile:
Forgot to tell, sundays I could go to the gym and this way "killing" the extra calories but Sunday I am always very tired and I need to rest in order to have a nice week. I have already tried to go to the gym on Sundays but the result was bad since I spent the whole week very tired and my exercise was not tha efficient because my muscles weren´t ok. :explode: