

I have had issues sleeping for probably almost 2 years now. I know my issue - anxiety when my husband has to work over nights (which are about 1x per week). I am going to see a specialist 3/1 but I was wondering if anyone had any good sleep helpers?

I go to bed usually around 10:30 pm and wake up around 7:00 am. Once I go to bed I usually just lay there. I will yawn, feel tired but I just never fall asleep. I can do this for literally hours a night. I always think the next night will be better because I am tired from the previous night but that doesn't work.

I have taken sleep aids. I have tried natural sleep aids and also prescription. I was on Ambien for nearly 4 months but my doctor has taken me off because 1.) I want to have kids and he doesn't want the meds to interfere and 2.) he wants me to see a pulmonologist before he tries anything new.

I have been going solo (without meds) since Thursday and my sleep has really suffered. I know this will interfere with my weight loss so I need ideas.

Perhaps getting up earlier?
Staying up later?

NOTE: Exercise doesn't help the issue.

Thanks for your suggestions in advance.


  • jennmodugno
    jennmodugno Posts: 363 Member
    When my antidepressants made it almost impossible for me to sleep, my doctor put me on Xanex. It's for anxiety, and helps your mind calm down so you can fall asleep, which had been my problem. I used it only if I couldn't fall asleep after an hour and a half of laying in bed, or when I woke up at night and couldn't get back to sleep, no more than once a day. And I'll tell you - it really worked. I was a little groggy during the day, but not nearly as bad as if I'd taken Nyquil for a cold or something. It tastes horrendous - lol! - don't let it sit on your tongue very long! But it worked for me. Since you mentioned anxiety, maybe you could ask your doctor about it?

    Sorry I don't have any advice on "naturally" falling asleep. :-/
  • mayamagallanes
    mayamagallanes Posts: 85 Member
    I take melatonin sp?? When I work out I dont sleep well at all, this helps quite a bit
  • mdcoug
    mdcoug Posts: 397 Member
    I know it sounds counter-intuitive, but have you tried going to be earlier? Also, are you watching TV before you go to bed? Do you drink caffeine during the day? Have you tried Yoga or meditation?

    I just did a Google search and came up with this story: I'm sure you've probably tried a lot of these things, but maybe something will help.
  • pamwhite712
    pamwhite712 Posts: 193 Member
    I have the same problem. I usually go to bed around 10-ish. I also take xanax when I can't sleep. I tried ambien but didn't like its side effects- some days I could remember nothing from the night before. Xanax seems to calm me down, and not make me too groggy the next day. Just don't get the extended-release kind. BUT- if you're wanting to get pregnant, xanax is NOT an option for you. Benadryl would be better.