Caloric intake vs. carb intake for diabetes..

So, I've been logging in everyday for almost a month but have made dietary changes for over a month now. What I have learned is it is not the carbs that make my sugar go up or down but how many calories overall I consume. Days that I have consumed more calories w/ little to no workout, my sugar is higher the next morning, but I only cracked about 1500 calories yesterday and had about 140 carbs but my sugar was the lowest its been... What is your thoughts on that?


  • fatladysings72
    Anyone have any thoughts on this??
  • Becca21
    Becca21 Posts: 361 Member
    if you mean your glucose levels.
    then it all depends on what foods you are eating and what type of carbs.
  • kathicooks
    kathicooks Posts: 81 Member
    As a fellow diabetic, I wonder if it's not just based on when you are testing. If I test 2 hours after a very protein heavy meal, it's going to be low regardless of the calories. If I test 2 hours after a carb-heavy meal (which doesn't happen any more) i'll be high, again regardless of the calories. It's not based on your day's intake, it's based on what your body is metabolizing at the time you test.
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    There are many individual responses to blood sugar issues. Mine will go too high if I eat too many carbs, even if if the calories were fairly low. Will also go high if I eat too many calories in one sitting, even if the calories are lower-carb. But the lower-carb, the more calories I can consume. However, if I have worked out intensely shortly prior to eating, I can eat more, both calories and carbs, and be OK.

    That's why I think the best advice is to eat to your meter based on how your body responds to diet/exercise changes.