Muscle Gain Vs. Fat Lost

Does anyone know much about how muscle gain works .. I work out 4 days a week.. I've noticed my muscles are bigger and more defined and that my weight never moves but my size goes down?

I especailly notice muscle gain in my arms and my abs seem more defined but I still can't lose actual weight on the scale?

I have a feeling my cals are a little too low and I may be going into "stavation mode" but I'm not sure.. have just raised my cal goal from 1200 to 1350.. im 5"7 151lbs... so not overweight, but would like to be a little smaller.

Any advice?


  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    You probably aren't actually gaining muscle - it's very hard to gain muscle (especially for women, and especially in a calorie deficit).

    What's happening is that you're losing body fat so your muscles look more defined. And if the scale isn't showing weight loss, that's probably due to water retention - from exercise, excess sodium, your time of the month, etc.
  • That could be it.. it's been the same for 18 months.. If I put any more on it comes off really easy then settles back at the same weight and won't budge.. I walk the dog for an hour a day on top of strength/cadio workouts but I'm at a desk all day which is why I was eating so little...
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    I think it could be weight from building muscle. I haven't been working out long but I feel stronger and my muscles feel harder already. Muscle weighs more than fat so you could be losing fat even if the scale is the same
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I think it could be weight from building muscle. I haven't been working out long but I feel stronger and my muscles feel harder already. Muscle weighs more than fat so you could be losing fat even if the scale is the same

    Muscle is more dense than fat....but 1lb = 1lb. A pound of feathers weighs the same as a pound of's just the volume that's different.

    And you really can't gain muscle on a calorie deficit (apart from "newbie gains") - people trying to gain muscle have to eat over their maintenance calories, get a lot of protein, and work very hard at it. Muscle gains just aren't that easy.

    You may be getting stronger and the fat loss on top of the muscle is making them more prevalent.
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,644 Member
    why are you concerned with what the scale says if you are going down in size and noticing more definition?
  • Markus_7
    Markus_7 Posts: 165 Member
    hi- agree with the responses. weight can be deceiving. pay more attention to your measurements and fat (body %)...sounds like you're doing great, keep it up. have you had a physical done with blood chemistry panel? i'd do that if you haven't in a while and communicate with your doctor about your goals/how things have changed.
  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    One: You CAN gain muscle while eating at deficit, it is just hard. You usually have to be overweight, eating high protein and lifting heavy. It takes more times and more variables.

    Two: It is true women have a harder time gaining muscle because of the lower amount of testosterone you have naturally, however, you could have gained some muscle, not much.
  • gvdoliver
    gvdoliver Posts: 106 Member
    I'm feeling the same, trying to bulk up but was surprised my weight has gone down by a kilo (though to be honest I hardly ever weigh myself) I read you gain about 1lb of muscle a month (Mens Health) so I figured I've put on muscle and also lost a good bit of fat - I'm eating over my 2270 calorie requirement and working our 3-4 times a week - If I'm wrong I'd like to hear, is my logic flawed?!
  • why are you concerned with what the scale says if you are going down in size and noticing more definition?

    This is it right here.

    You're probably going through your initial body recomposition. Chill out, keep on doing your thing. You are probably getting your beginner muscle gains which is keeping the scale steady.
  • eyeshuh
    eyeshuh Posts: 333
    That is a pretty low amount of calories for your height. Please visit this thread, read the info, and math it out:
  • I'm feeling the same, trying to bulk up but was surprised my weight has gone down by a kilo (though to be honest I hardly ever weigh myself) I read you gain about 1lb of muscle a month (Mens Health) so I figured I've put on muscle and also lost a good bit of fat - I'm eating over my 2270 calorie requirement and working our 3-4 times a week - If I'm wrong I'd like to hear, is my logic flawed?!

    "True" bulking is gaining weight at any cost. Dirty bulks usually involve cramming your face anytime you see or think about food, then you lose the fat later on, keeping some of the muscle.

    If you want to gain lean mass without a bulk/cut cycle, check out LeanGains
  • That is a pretty low amount of calories for your height. Please visit this thread, read the info, and math it out:

    I think you're right.. I'm not eating enough.. where's that cake?! :-)
  • eyeshuh
    eyeshuh Posts: 333
    That is a pretty low amount of calories for your height. Please visit this thread, read the info, and math it out:

    I think you're right.. I'm not eating enough.. where's that cake?! :-)

    Heehee! Carrot cake counts as a vegetable, right?! ;)
  • hi- agree with the responses. weight can be deceiving. pay more attention to your measurements and fat (body %)...sounds like you're doing great, keep it up. have you had a physical done with blood chemistry panel? i'd do that if you haven't in a while and communicate with your doctor about your goals/how things have changed.

    I did have a blood chems recently - my cholestorol was really good in partticular! I think I'll switch to inches measurement!
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Does anyone know much about how muscle gain works .. I work out 4 days a week.. I've noticed my muscles are bigger and more defined and that my weight never moves but my size goes down?

    I especailly notice muscle gain in my arms and my abs seem more defined but I still can't lose actual weight on the scale?

    I have a feeling my cals are a little too low and I may be going into "stavation mode" but I'm not sure.. have just raised my cal goal from 1200 to 1350.. im 5"7 151lbs... so not overweight, but would like to be a little smaller.

    Any advice?

    Your muscles are feeling bigger and looking more defined because you are losing body fat. If you are strength training then it is also likely your muscles will be a bit more 'pumped' because they are holding water and glycogen.

    You say your size is going down so you must be losing body fat, in which case stick with it as you're heading the right way. Raising your cals Is the right way to go too - you can probably go even higher - aim to at least net your BMR.
  • chimp517
    chimp517 Posts: 185 Member
    You probably aren't actually gaining muscle - it's very hard to gain muscle (especially for women, and especially in a calorie deficit).

    What's happening is that you're losing body fat so your muscles look more defined. And if the scale isn't showing weight loss, that's probably due to water retention - from exercise, excess sodium, your time of the month, etc.

    right on, Male hormones+caloric surplus = muscle gains.