Bloating, PMS, and Homicidal Urges?



  • erickita89
    erickita89 Posts: 422 Member
    I have noticed though, that the cramps have gone from somewhere halfway the "giving birth" scale to almost nonexistant since I've been working out with the heavier weights. Perhaps from my core getting stronger?

    I noticed this this past month as well! i have always had horrible debilitating cramps since i started my period. I have missed school and work because of them and i forced myself to workout on it and had the best period (well not the best but the most peaceful period) of my life! virtually no cramps so less asprins used = less toxins in the body.

    The bloating sadly didn't go away :(
  • Today414
    Today414 Posts: 118
    Not sure if anyone's posted this yet... but I have the same problem and I use two things:

    Apple cidar vinegar ... put a table spoon in some raspberry vinegrette and eat it on a salad for a couple days... It's nasty, but you'll notice a quick response.

    Make some tea, squeeze a lemon wedge into it.. and then leave the rind in the tea for a bit.. and drink. I do this every morning because I fluctuate and retain like crazy at various times during the month and this helps keep me more even.

    Good luck!!
  • Camille0502
    Camille0502 Posts: 311 Member
    Just time - buy some bigger clothes for those few days of the month and call it a day! Why fight nature? Our bodies retain water around that time of the month. Live with it!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    hay guys i feel bloated all the time. that is why i cant eat. i am only having 500 to 600 calories a day coz i cant eat much coz of this bloatness huh .i feel bloated all the time cant even drink water huh plz anyone help :(

    You may have some sort of digestive issue (IBS for example) or an intolerance to some food that you're eating. I'd suggest going to see a dietician or nutritionist because this is a problem you should get fixed before your undereating causes further issues.
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    nettle tea helps, but it's revolting. i normally just try and stay away from scales, tight clothes and annoying human beings until afterwards!

    oh so true. I can get a little crazy during TOM, but sometimes I play up the craziness because it is the only time I can get away with it. The only thing that keeps me calm is cuddling with my husband.
  • GenieBB
    GenieBB Posts: 52 Member
    Dont feel like reading entire thread but did anyone mention taking Evening Primrose suppliments?
    Its awesome stuff. Google the benefits.
    Also I have heard vinegar. Like a tablepoon in the am. I cant handle it so I take the primrose
  • My0WNinspiration
    My0WNinspiration Posts: 1,146 Member
    A guy said to drink green tea ROTFLMAO when a female truly finds a good way to loose that water retention I'll be in menopause by then. lol lol We are all so different even one woman too another can't tell her how to loose it at that time. Each month, each year, one time something will work the next time failure! So called "stress" the moon, the tides, ooh aspirin works, only if you want to rip your insides out. Exercise is, yes, wonderful, water, hmmm, green tea, now I hear white tea is better, over weight, too skinny, just right? Slow digestive system, too fast? It doesn't matter. When it's your time of the month, do your best and enjoy the ride! I'm a roller coaster still at 53 & tried them all. Right now I'm bloating no matter what i do and it's that time of the month! Someday I'll be old and grey, gray, I can't remember how to spell it! Brain fog, wait a minute I already am. what? ooh, old gray n wrinkled and BLOATED!

    Lmao I know right

    LOL this is awesome!!!!
  • jaemydoll
    There's no way to avoid bloating (which I why I TRY not to take my measurements [esp hips] during that week), but I love love love my red raspberry tea to avoid the homicidal urges! I think the whole "ritual" of having an herbal tea - sitting in a comfy spot, cuddling the warm cup, breathing in the tea vapor slooooowly - is a big help. I do notice a difference with other teas, though. It also helps to have supportive people around you that don't make fun of you for your miraculous biology, haha!

    Best of luck!