Reasons to be Cheerful

Hello and good morning.. I suppose the reason for wanting to shed some pounds is quite simple really..


1. Vanity
2. Hating the feeling of tight clothing (although some jogging and cycling is very tight)
3. Not wanting to make myself even more tired by carring around extra tonnage. Being a postman results in walking many miles and believe you me carrying excess weight does make one slower, less motivated and a whole lot more knackered.
4. Health.
5. I can.
6. Summer is coming and being fat means feeling uncomfortably hot and sticky so dumping the lard lessens this effect.
7. Being lighter puts less strain on joints and muscles, which is brilliant and makes shoes wear out slower.
8. Leather jeans....I say no more...
9. Food tastes better as one is very ready for meals rather than indulging in grazing and giving in to eating for the sake of it.
10. I feel younger and that is a good, a really good, feeling.

Thanks if you read this and do add comments if you like but most important be happy. Froggy


  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    If my postman looked like you, I would never send another email again!!!!!:wink: Are all the postmen in the UK as good looking as you? I might have to get the old passport renewed and do some "research.":laugh: :laugh:

    On a more serious note. Your top ten are all good reasons. Here is one of mine:

    " I put my Lhasa Apso on a diet and I don't want her to suffer alone!!":laugh: :laugh:

    Good luck with your fitness quest. Hope you can keep outrunning the tea biscuits!!:flowerforyou:
  • Elkiefluff
    I always thought being a post man would be a lovely job. I'm sure I don't know the half of what you do before you set out on your round but being out in the fresh air sounds like a pretty healthy job to me. Beats being stuck in a big building full of teenage germs!!
    Good luck!
  • lordfrog
    lordfrog Posts: 12
    Gosh.... I am lost for words... Thanks for the wonderful gift of making me feel I turn heads. I really think you need to adjust your screen or glasses though... But hey thats fine..

    The biscuit tin is just high enough on the top shelf to be reached when desparate but out of eye level contact..

    Just managed to start jogging again after about six months of injury and have bought a new pedal bike (no its not a child's. I know the way I just described it sounds like it should be) so have managed to shed more pounds in a week than expected.

    Thanks again, Froggy
  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member

    And you really ARE quite handsome.

    I like your top 10 list. *grin* And you must be a brit with words like "knackered".
  • lordfrog
    lordfrog Posts: 12
    Its not a bad job but when its bad out its so hard not to think of everyone in their nice cosy homes and or offices. However, when is shinning brightly and birds are singing its wonderful. Everybody seems to pick up speed when its warm and bright out and its a lot harder to wipe the smile of a postie's face.

    The downside is that when one starts as a postie (if you haven't had a very exercise orientated job) the weight drops off quite quickly but the body settle down to this normal routine but the want to eat at the end of a shift is huge so after a while the pounds go on unless you strictly monitor this.

    So I bike ride now, jog, walk the dog and try to eat healthily. It seems that the more mature I get the more I think about my waistband and stamina. The other factors like greying hair, wrinkles, poor eyesight and waking up at the crack of dawn don't seem to bother me.

    Thanks for the encouragement and good luck to you, Froggy
  • lordfrog
    lordfrog Posts: 12
    Thank you... I do like the compliments I am receiving and may I be so bold as to say that you are a beautiful young lady too.

    Yes I am an Englishman but its becoming increasingly hard to be proud and patriotic for a country that appears to be losing its grip on traditional values, has complete bounders and cads as leaders, is a joke in the business and financial markets and still insists on exporting fat balding men and women who think being by-lingual is the ability to shout, be rude and wear outragously ill-fitting and miss-matched clothing.

    But enough of that. Thanks again and good luck but me thinks you hardly need it as you appear fine in your photo, Froggy
  • VictorianJade
    VictorianJade Posts: 705 Member
    Thank you... I do like the compliments I am receiving and may I be so bold as to say that you are a beautiful young lady too.

    Yes I am an Englishman but its becoming increasingly hard to be proud and patriotic for a country that appears to be losing its grip on traditional values, has complete bounders and cads as leaders, is a joke in the business and financial markets and still insists on exporting fat balding men and women who think being by-lingual is the ability to shout, be rude and wear outragously ill-fitting and miss-matched clothing.

    But enough of that. Thanks again and good luck but me thinks you hardly need it as you appear fine in your photo, Froggy

    Be bold. *grin* And thank you.

    It's just good photography, though... I used to model, in my more slender days (always plus-sized modelling, but still, less plus-sized than I am now), and am also a photographer (more a hobby than a business), and am a beauty consultant, so I tend to photograph well.. when I'm holding the camera and use flattering angles. *grin* Everyone else's photos of me look awful.

    Your rant about GB was... *giggle* ... funny. Thanks for that.