Anybody tried Zamzee?

I heard about this on another website and am looking into it. Looks like it might be fun and motivating? To be honest $30 seems a bit hefty to me for an experiment (LOL) so thought I would ask if anyone here has tried this ...


  • hedwardsb
    hedwardsb Posts: 201 Member
    Everyone in my house except me has been wearing a zamzee, since one of my children's pediatrician said her weight is too high for her height.
    I already wear a fitbit which cost 3 times the zamzee, and is a fancy pedometer.
    For my children, I am very happy with the motivation the zamzee is providing for aerobic fitness. Be warned, it counts time in the "zam zone," not steps. My husband who walks constantly as a teacher is in 3rd place only trailed by my son who lost his device the day he got it, and just found it to wear the first time today. :)