Trying Again

I am just not very successful at keeping the weight off. When ever I stop I am also 10 pounds heavier than the last time I tried to lose weight.

I am not lazy, I do not overeat, which is why this makes it's so frustrating.

Stress is a big problem.....I get stressed and I gain weight.


  • kirstyfairhead
    kirstyfairhead Posts: 220 Member
    I'm not being critical but being stressed doesn't make you put on weight. It might make you eat and eating makes you put on weight but it's important to see the relationship. If food is your response to stress then that is probably the cycle you need to try and break and it's the hardest thing to do.

    In order to keep weight off you need to change the way you eat and the way you live and perhaps understand that this is the challenge. Losing weight is tough but staying slim is the real challenge.

    I have spent 10 years yo yoing and this time round I have gone slow and steady, I have lost around 28 pounds and would like to loose another 14. With a low BMR I am now loosing about 1/2lb a week but it is every week and I have adopted an exercise routine that I enjoy and am making a part of my life.

    When I'm stressed or unhappy and reach for the fridge I need to recognise what I'm doing and seek alternatives. I am convinced it is possible but often the first and most difficult thing you need to fix is your head!!

    Good luck and don't give up!!!