Protein Only?



  • LowcarbNY
    LowcarbNY Posts: 546 Member
    If I consume just protein with dairy here and there, veggies and fruits, nuts etc. will there be quicker weight loss (with excercise)? I've heard of people consuming only protein, any meat (mostly white meat), fruits, veggies, carbs like bread, rice, cake, flour.. Any advice? Thanks :smile:

    Unless you are ingesting only a liquid protein there is no such thing as "Protein only"

    All meat has fat, some even more fat cals than protein cals.
    All nuts are mostly fat
    Most veggies are water and some carbs, less protein.
    Many dairy foods have significant carbohydrate (lactose). Skim milk has more than Whole milk (they took away the fat that has no carbohydrate)

    Refined carbs like white rice, flour, sugar and the things that they are made from make it very easy and convenient to eat calories and eat them quickly. Taking these things out of your diet can be what some people need to see a change. I need to be much more restrictive in my carbs than that in order to control my otherwise runaway appetite.

    One of my buddies lost a ton of weight just cutting out Sugared Cola drinks. There is no one answer and all answers do not apply to all folks. It depends who you are, what you tolerate and where you are starting from. If you already only drink sugar free drinks then you can't cut out sugared drink now can you?

    I do Low Carb, High Fat along with Fast-5 I'll let my results speak for themselves.
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    Since I have direct experience with this I’ll offer my advice. About 10 years ago, I went from 285 to about 200 doing pretty much what you are describing, except more restrictive.
    Typical Day was
    Eggs and Bacon and Coffee/Half and Half for breakfast

    Chicken Salad for lunch

    Bunless Hamburgers or Some Kind of Steak for dinner.

    Weight dropped very quickly and effortlessly. The problem was, I believe it very much changed my mindset about weight management and set me back in the long run. I was always on the plan or off the plan. When I was off the plan, boy was I off the plan. Gluttonny abounded. When I was younger and much more active it worked. But as I moved into the office world the weight kept creeping up and up. Found myself at 260. Now I’m focusing on meeting my calorie goal and macro goals, and the weight is coming off easily and I’m still able to have pizza and other stuff once in awhile (I still try to eat fairly healthy as it helps me meet my goals without getting hungry) and when I have this stuff in my brain I’m still considering that moving towards my goal because I’m staying in my ranges.

    So long story short, yes you can. I would not make it a black and white thing. Given equal calorie intakes, you will have likely the same fat loss. Weight loss may be higher because of glycogen depletion but this is not actual fat loss but water loss. As soon as you start eating more carbs a portion of your weight will come back. Focus on meeting calorie and Macro goals. Adjust as needed based on results.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    My question is why? It's been proven through the sun that no one diet is better another. So low carb will NOT provide any greater weight loss/fat loss long term over a conventional diet. The only benefit of low carb is the initial 5-10 lbs of water weight. Over extended periods of time, fat loss is the same. So why restrict yourself. Now if low carb helps you no over eat or you have a medical condition, that's one thing but it won't help you.
  • Hpliza529
    Hpliza529 Posts: 5 Member
    I have been dieting for over a year now. I only lost 30lbs last year because I hit a plateau and I just couldn't break the barrier. I was eating a 1400-1600 calories per day (major change from about 2500-3000 per day) and exercising 3-4 times per week. My friend started the Dukan Diet around September of last year and she has already lost 43lbs. This diet is also a low carb diet; however, it shows you how to slowly incorporate carbs back into your diet. Since I got discouraged with regular dieting, I'm now trying the Dukan Diet also. I'm on day 2 and I feel good so far. About 10 years ago, I did the Atkins diet but I felt horrible all the time and had to stop. From what I've seen my friend go through, this diet seems a little better than Atkins but is still as intense. Depending on how much and how fast you want or need to lose weight, a good option is just to cut down on carbs but not completely cut them out. If I was in a different situation, I probably would cut down intead of cutting them out.
  • SadKitty27
    SadKitty27 Posts: 416 Member
    I tend to feel that milk is not all that it's cracked up to be, but to each his or her own. Here are a few articles that somewhat touch base on why I don't like milk. However, I like some forms of dairy (cheese and butter for example,) so I do feel like a hypocrite lol - but, be that as it may I could never stomach drinking milk.

    There are plenty of substitutes for milk as well as supplements; I'll be sticking to those for my dietary needs ;)

    As far as the bread goes - I've also cut that out of my diet. Not just because the hair in the processing of commercial bread freaks me out, but because I find that my body reacts badly to those types of carbs (they tend to make me feel ravenous, and would never fill me up or make me feel satisfied.)

    Here are some reading materials about bread in case anyone was curious:

    Now, you can't cut out carbs completely, but you can elect to get them from much better sources (veggies for example.) I don't know about you, but I'm the type of person who doesn't do well with moderation - the low carb way of life helps keep me in check.
  • jjrichard83
    jjrichard83 Posts: 483 Member
    Don't focus on the quickest weight loss. Focus on sustainable weight loss. Can you eat only that stuff forever?

    ^ this.

    All low carb diets I've been on, I've gained them right back.

    Make small life changes one at a time. You didn't gain all that fat in 3 months, don't try to remove it all in 3 months either.

    Make changes, and change those into life habits.
  • jjrichard83
    jjrichard83 Posts: 483 Member
    I tend to feel that milk is not all that it's cracked up to be, but to each his or her own. Here are a few articles that somewhat touch base on why I don't like milk. However, I like some forms of dairy (cheese and butter for example,) so I do feel like a hypocrite lol - but, be that as it may I could never stomach drinking milk.

    There are plenty of substitutes for milk as well as supplements; I'll be sticking to those for my dietary needs ;)

    As far as the bread goes - I've also cut that out of my diet. Not just because the hair in the processing of commercial bread freaks me out, but because I find that my body reacts badly to those types of carbs (they tend to make me feel ravenous, and would never fill me up or make me feel satisfied.)

    Here are some reading materials about bread in case anyone was curious:

    Now, you can't cut out carbs completely, but you can elect to get them from much better sources (veggies for example.) I don't know about you, but I'm the type of person who doesn't do well with moderation - the low carb way of life helps keep me in check.

    I like cheese for the taste, but our bodies DO NOT NEED milk or dairy for calcium. However if you remove it, you just need to be slightly more aware what veggies will give you enough - and eating acid forming foods doesn't help with the bloods PH - which results in remove calcium stores from the bones I believe to adjust
  • Thank you all for the advice!! Good luck!
  • an all protein diet did not work for me (they put me on one at the advice of my old nutritionist). It made me gain 10 pounds! (and not 10 lbs of muscle either...)
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    There is no quick fix.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    an all protein diet did not work for me (they put me on one at the advice of my old nutritionist). It made me gain 10 pounds! (and not 10 lbs of muscle either...)

    This is only possible if you were eating more calories than you were burning off. Protein doesn't cause weight gain, a calorie surplus does.
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    trial and error. Give it a go. The basis of my diet is fruits and veggies and everything else is secondary. I feel fantastic!!