Just found this site and loving it!

So I'm quite exciting about this site. Had been wanting a place to track my calorie intake and my weight loss and just happen to see someone on FB mention this site. Right now I'm 5'7" and 190lbs and hoping to loss at least 40lbs, up to 52lbs at the most. I'm 26 and have 3 amazing kids ages 6, 5 and 2 1/2yrs. My weight has fluxated crazy amounts every year since I was 14. Hoping to get under 160lbs and stay under that for good (unless I'd ever have another baby! :)). Normally when I get on a weight loss kick I loss my weight fairly fast, it's just the keeping it off part that I'll need to figure out once I drop the weight here. I've had SAD or Seasonal Affective Disorder since I was 14 which has caused me to gain an average of 35 lbs every fall. So I'm thinking I'll be able to loss my weight this summer, it will be the fall where I shall see if I can keep it off. Hoping that tracking my calorie intake will help me be aware of what I'm eating and keep me from overeating then.