Chronic Pain/Illness and loosing weight?

piggydog Posts: 322
edited January 10 in Motivation and Support
Does anyone else on the boards suffer from chronic pain or a chronic illness?

I have interstitial cystitis and a back with torn cartaliage that healed incorrectly...

It just sucks and is ubber depressing being in pain all the time! My bladder hasn't bothered me so much as my back has... It's just a constant can't get comfortable unless I'm laying down a certain way and even then I'm not pain free.

I ride horses quiet a bit and compete with them and this has really messed up that for me... The jarring and jiggling for horse back riding or even walking in extreme cases sometime will leave me in tears unable to move because of my bladder... And well my back always hurts and I try to just power through....

Was just wondering if anyone else was out there and how ya'll cope


  • I have degenerative disc disease and have pain in my lower back all the time. There are mornings when I wake up that I cant even feel my toes.

    I have found that, when I exercise correctly, my pain lessens. It hurts liek hell for a month or so but after that month I feel better. i dont notice it as much. I went to a physical therapist that has worked with me and gave me exercises that strengthen my core.

    i will get busy and "forget" to exercise for a few months and I can really feel it when I start back up.
  • mandys1979
    mandys1979 Posts: 46 Member
    I too have IC. I havent had any problems with it for awhile. I have never meet anyone before that has it also. I also have osteo arthritis in my lower back and right knee. I just try to find exercises that dont bother it.
  • piggydog
    piggydog Posts: 322
    Movement helps my back allot... But over doing it seems to make it worse... A nice mile walk seems to be good and anything over that leaves me withering.....

    How are you treating your IC if at all?
  • mandys1979
    mandys1979 Posts: 46 Member
    Right now with nothing. I do notice if I get somewhat dehydrated my bladder hurts. I used to be on amitriptilyne and Elmiron and never really noticed a difference with them. For my back I try to do alot of lower back streches.
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