dieting with friends at work

I am a firm believer that dieting and exercising with friends or family helps you stay on track. There are about 4 girls at work who are currently sharing recipes, working out together and have joined a weight loss competition at work together. I feel that I do my best during the week while I at work because I have a set eating schedule and bring my own food most of the time. However, we do have a cafeteria and once every two weeks I'll get a black bean burger with a slice of provolone cheese and olives. I'll usually also get a 1/2 order of baked potato wedges. My problem is one of the girls at work ALWAYS makes me feel guilty for eating the potato wedges. I don't eat them every day and I feel like I do a pretty good job of eating a balanced diet when I can. They are brushed with olive oil then baked. I don't see the harm in them. I feel like she has gotten competitive and wanted to know if there is a way to turn that negativity back around.


  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    'wanted to know if there is a way to turn that negativity back around'

    Ignore her, enjoy them, keep losing weight and smile to yourself when she fails because she's depriving herself too much.
  • ashleyShades
    ashleyShades Posts: 375 Member
    'wanted to know if there is a way to turn that negativity back around'

    Ignore her, enjoy them, keep losing weight and smile to yourself when she fails because she's depriving herself too much.

    Thank you!
  • benflando
    benflando Posts: 193
    Stick to a clean diet and exercise for two weeks without mentioning it to her, and prove to her the results can be achieved.
  • ashleyShades
    ashleyShades Posts: 375 Member
    It's just upsetting to me because I don't judge her for what she eats (pre packaged lean cuisine type meals every day) so she should not hate on me for eating potatoes lol
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    People suck sometimes. Everyone is going to have an opinion. If you let it bother you, you're going to let other people bring you up and down all your life.

    Ignore her. Do what works for you. Repeat, repeat, repeat.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,126 Member
    You cannot control other people.

    That is all I've got. Be a light to the world. She is not.
  • ashleyShades
    ashleyShades Posts: 375 Member
    Thank you all!
  • SugarFemme24
    SugarFemme24 Posts: 47 Member
    There is nothing wrong with baked potato wedges! They are pretty healthy, especially with heart healthy olive oil.

    You have to remember there will ALWAYS be someone that judges what you eat. You can eat "100% clean" or nothing but a perfectly balanced diet and someone is gonna tell you that you should or should not be doing something. Let it go and just remember that you are a healthy woman that is following her principles.

    There is a reason for the age-old wisdom: opinions are like $%$holes cause everybody has one.
  • ashleyShades
    ashleyShades Posts: 375 Member
    There is nothing wrong with baked potato wedges! They are pretty healthy, especially with heart healthy olive oil.

    You have to remember there will ALWAYS be someone that judges what you eat. You can eat "100% clean" or nothing but a perfectly balanced diet and someone is gonna tell you that you should or should not be doing something. Let it go and just remember that you are a healthy woman that is following her principles.

    There is a reason for the age-old wisdom: opinions are like $%$holes cause everybody has one.

    I agree =D