Here goes nothing...

After weeks of research on MFP and so many people successfully losing weight this way, I've decided to try the 20% of my TDEE route. Calculations showed my BMR to be 1534 and if that's the case, even on days I exercise, I'm barely eating that many calories. Which might explain my crappy mood and low energy levels... and quite possibly, the extremely difficult time I've having keeping my calorie intake down. I go home after work with 300 or less calories left for dinner. (Usually less than 100)
So I will attempt this and see if I feel better, because as much as I want to lose weight, I want to feel good more. I need energy to spend on my kids after my day at work. Thanks to everyone that has shared information on this. It makes total sense when you think about it and I really hope it helps me. :happy:


  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    You might want to look at your numbers again, you should be eating over your BMR but under your TDEE by a percentage cut depending how much you have to lose..
  • Candy1629
    Candy1629 Posts: 40 Member
    It told me (based on my information) that 20% of my TDEE would be 1688 calories a day. Is that too close to my BMR?
  • cyberiarob
    cyberiarob Posts: 229 Member
    Here's my 2 cents worth...

    It could be due to what you are eating - not calorie-wise but nutrition-wise.

    My BMR is approx. 1850
    My TDEE is approx. 2200 (on non-workout days)
    My calorie intake is approx. 1450 (on non-workout days)

    I have no issues with having enough energy. I make sure I'm hitting my numbers on all my nutrients, especially protein and B-vitamins which really help with energy.