how do you find the post you comment on

I have commented on some posts but I dont know how to find the ones I have posted on. If you know let me know.


  • porkchop_13
    click on your name at the top where it says Hi, coke_momma. then scroll to the bottom and you will see your posts on the left side. It will say "my recent forum posts"
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 841 Member
    You can also go to "My Topics" and it will contain any thread you posted to. You'll have to read through to find yours and any responses.
  • rabia1111
    Thank you SO much for taking the time to share so many great ideas. This is so incredibly helpful I am printing it out to keep on my desk as I have very much struggled with the exact same thing and this post is a total godsend. Thank you! <a href="">moon</a&gt;