giving up alcohol for a bit....


I am not looking for a lecture on alcohol through this, I know the affect that it has on your body. :smile:

I am about 6 lbs away from my goal weight and I think that giving up alcohol might do the rest for me. Has anyone close to there goal weight increased weight loss by giving up drinking? I go out 1 night a week and I think that I could spare the drinks for a couple of months to get down to where I want to be. I am only 22 and I don't want to give up beer forever, but I think I can do it for awhile to get to my goal. Is anyone else close to their goal weight that wants to go at this with me so that we can help eachother through it?


  • sarahof
    sarahof Posts: 2
    I have a tendency to binge eat when I drink. I've cut alcohol out and lost almost 50 pounds. It's up to you, but it worked for me.
  • hollyroode
    I'll do it with you Anne. I am getting so close too and 9 out of 10 times when I have trouble with my eating it is when I've had a few drinks.. I will promise to not have a drink until at least Easter.
  • sazziecee
    sazziecee Posts: 143
    My Rosemary Conley fitness instructor told me that the body can only metabolise one thing at a time.
    If you drink alcohol it puts all it's efforts into ridding your body of that toxin and so cannot burn fat at the same time it is getting rid of alchohol. So basically every time you drink, you are delaying your fat loss.

    In reality though, I haven't found much difference to my weight loss whether I drink or not, but I very rarely drink and if I do, I count it within my daily calorie allowance and only tend to drink spirits, or the occasional glass of wine, I never drink to "get drunk" anymore

    When I used to binge drink, I would find myself craving a lot of carbs the next day and would usually end up eating KFC or Pizza so I avoid drinking very much now.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Yes, I binge eat as well. I didn't last night but I woke up today feeling lazy. I can tell overall it isn't good for my weightloss. Eventually I would like to be able to just have drinks 1 time a month or 2 times a month but I think until I reach my goal i want to cut it out.

    Yea, Holly! I would love to do this with you! We will chat!!
  • feeny
    feeny Posts: 110 Member
    i binge eat and sometimes smoke when i'm drunk too, so i've just stopped all together for the last few months. I turn 21 in may though so it's going to be harder not going out lol.
  • cvtga
    cvtga Posts: 118
    I woke up this morning after 10 without any weight loss and decided being 8lbs away from my goal it is time to change something and cutting out alcohol is what it is. I even worked out harder this week, burned more calories than usual and still no budge in the scale. So I am with you. I have heard drinking can slow your metabolism and think that may be what happened with me. So I am on board and hope to see the scale begin moving again next week. GL
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    I woke up this morning after 10 without any weight loss and decided being 8lbs away from my goal it is time to change something and cutting out alcohol is what it is. I even worked out harder this week, burned more calories than usual and still no budge in the scale. So I am with you. I have heard drinking can slow your metabolism and think that may be what happened with me. So I am on board and hope to see the scale begin moving again next week. GL

    That sounds good to me, let me know if you need any support!
  • vixey2906
    vixey2906 Posts: 30
    I always used to get food after a night out, sometimes my friends and I would be looking forward to the junk food before we'd even started drinking! But I stopped getting food after and just made sure i downed a pint or two of water before bed to prevent the hangover and found that helped my weight loss alot :)
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    I was 24 when I decided to give up alcohol for a little bit. After a few weeks, went out for just one drink, and it gave me the worst hangover.. just one. I am 48 now.. I was never able to tolerate alcohol again although I tried several times. Not saying that will happen to you guys, just letting you know, that was my experience. My body completely rejected the stuff after just a few weeks away from it. Before that i could really hold my liquor. really, can;t even have a wine cooler now without feeling sick instantly.
  • vixey2906
    vixey2906 Posts: 30
    Oh also... beer is the worst and then win, i know thats about 500 calories a bottle, however spirits are meant to have minimal calories, so vodka with sugarfree lemonade maybe? But if you cancut it out all together good for you! :)
  • StevenB_mi
    StevenB_mi Posts: 3 Member
    When I'm serious about losing weight I must give up beer or I'd be wasting my time completely..I've stopped for 2 weeks now and everything is going great..I LOVE beer