Living with junk food junkies

It's sad..........I married the exact opposite of me in the weight category. I married a man that has to eat and eat and eat to maintain 175. Me, if I look at a french fry from McDonald's, I gain 5 pounds. I need motivation and support and he tries, bless his heart, but he doesn't understand. I try and try all day at work and eat the right amount of calories. I get home, cook dinner and am around the rest of the family and it all goes to hell in a handbasket. I need friends to turn to. Sadly, I am a skinny girl magnet....meaning all my girl friends are skinny. Luckily it is friends I have head for over 10 years, so I know that are my true friends and don't just use me to make them feel better about themselves. I guess I'm just wondering, how do you live with junk food junkies and still lose weight? Where does that inner strenght come from to resist temptation and how do I find it?


  • cecep5248
    It's sad..........I married the exact opposite of me in the weight category. I married a man that has to eat and eat and eat to maintain 175. Me, if I look at a french fry from McDonald's, I gain 5 pounds. I need motivation and support and he tries, bless his heart, but he doesn't understand. I try and try all day at work and eat the right amount of calories. I get home, cook dinner and am around the rest of the family and it all goes to hell in a handbasket. I need friends to turn to. Sadly, I am a skinny girl magnet....meaning all my girl friends are skinny. Luckily it is friends I have head for over 10 years, so I know that are my true friends and don't just use me to make them feel better about themselves. I guess I'm just wondering, how do you live with junk food junkies and still lose weight? Where does that inner strenght come from to resist temptation and how do I find it?

    I understand completely, in terms of living with junk foods junkies. The foods have not bothered my much, at least not a few weeks ago, as I was using meal replacements and I was in a fat burning state(ketosis). I was not hungry or had urges for the junk. as I have come off those products, I notice the junk more readily, but I am telling myself it is poison for my system. If I find that I have not drunk all my water for the day I will feel more hungry than usual, or if I have not had all the protein I am allowed for the day. But, when I know my hubby has candy in the house I ask him to hide it so that I can not find it. That is my weakness. Try having members of the household put their snack items in places you would not normally look or be. ..solid storage containers, out of the kitchen and in their bedrooms perhaps, or as I said some place that you would not look. The best of luck to you...I do understand.
  • LockStockNSam
    LockStockNSam Posts: 30 Member
    It's tough, for sure! I'm in the same boat. Luckily I currently live alone, so I have complete control over all the food in my house, but my fiancé comes over a lot, and he loves his snacks! These include pop, chips, fast food, buttered popcorn, etc. Bless him though--he has given up lots of things like I have (beef, pork) as I go through my journey discovering what is ethical in the food world, and how I try to avoid 'food-like products' in favour of whole foods. HOWEVER, he does still indulge, and he buys his own little 'snacks' to keep at my place for when he comes over.

    This means that his food is hanging around all the time in my space, which I occupy alone for 90% of the time, haha. It's been easier for me not to eat his stuff, though, because I have really educated myself on what is in sodas, how food is processed, all of its components, and the industry itself, which makes it simpler to just say 'no' to those things because they are no longer a part of my every day ideology. I also keep my place stocked with plenty of my own healthy 'snacks', so I never feel like I'm missing out if I don't chow down on what my fiance has brought into the house. Just take it one day at a time, because remember, this is a total lifestyle change! Stick to your alternatives, splurge every now and again (in small portions!) and eventually it'll feel like a no brainer to turn to healthy snacks that make your body feel good because you know that it'll benefit you in the long run. Baby steps! And take it from me--the less you eat it, the less you'll crave it!
  • chubbychristianchick
    I understand! My husband is a 30x30 pants. He weights about 145. He eats like it's going out of style and he's 42... Meanwhile I watch every calorie I eat and gain weight super quick as soon as I get off track and I'm 29. It's frusterating. He tries to support me but he is hungry all the time. Recently he's been taking all his junkfood to work. He just bought a barrel of cheese puffs and a barrell of party mix for work. He eats as much junk as he wants there. At home he eats what I eat aside from after dinner when he has some time of sweet. Usually the portion size of my dinner. It's hard but I know it's hard for him to be so thin.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I am in the same boat (except our ages are flipped from chubbychristi), his mother worries that he is too thin, but he is, barely, at a healthy BMI. However, mine rarely brings junk food into the house. There was even that one infamous birthday when he didn't even bring home the single serving of Locally Famous Cake that he had promised.

    While I sometimes wish he would eat junk food, just to get it over with, these skinny minis can fill up on healthy foods. I am pretty sure mine eats close to nine servings of fruits and nine of vegetables a day- he sometimes has an apple, an orange *and* a banana for dessert. He has a huge salad packed with veggies, olives, cheese and turkey for lunch, but also takes a protein bar and two pieces of fruit to work. He gets double or even triple servings at dinner - if I don't make that third serving, part of mine might disappear! He has a few chocolate chips mixed in with his handful of nuts. He eats string cheese by the handful, as well. I asked him to leave the babybel gouda for me, though. He eats eggs, veggies and meat for breakfast and a couple bowls of whole grain, low sugar cereals for his evening snack. We also keep a few borderline things in the freezer that he can fix for himself, but don't really tempt me that much, like chicken breast nuggets and pot stickers.

    I try to sit on the other side of the room when munching on single serving popcorn, but he usually finds me.
    RICANNBLK Posts: 11 Member
    OOOO GOSH I COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND!!! Everytime we go shopping the cart to me is full of junk food and then there is my cart. I buy things more healthier. If my fiance buys brownies which are my fav I buy fiber one fudge brownie bars. If he buys chips I will by lays BAKED chips. I dont really do any sodas but juices are my fav. When he drinks fruit punch I make an allll natural fruit shake. I cook for the whole family so Ill make them what they want say monday wednesday and sunday. On Sunday I will prepare my food for the whole week. So whenever I am hungry i can just grab and go. If I see my fiance or children eating brownie cakes or etc I just make or buy alternatives so fight the urge. Its hard but it works if you do it right.

    Here are more Examples:

    Popiscles = Ill make my own with greek yogurt, blueberries strawberries and rasberries
    Pancakes = Ill make sweet potatoe pancakes
    Fried Chicken = Ill make pineapple crusted oven baked chicken breast at 6oz each
    Chips = Ill switched between Lays Baked Chips or ill make Sweet Potatoe Chips with cinnamon and nut meg sprinkled on top
    Ice Cream = Almond milk and whatever fruit I would like blend it and mix it together put it in the ice cream maker or just freeze it and scrap it into a bowl
  • Dianak005
    Dianak005 Posts: 48 Member
    This is my life!! Ok so my husband is at his high weight of 180 right now! Anyway I have the same struggle and my husband does try to help. He just is not good at it. I am slowly learning how to not let what everyone else is eating bother me. I gave into the oreos that everyone was having last night but most days I do ok. Anyway my husband is one that calls on the way home and asks whats for dinner and if I say fish or something he will be like if you want I can stop and get something so you dont have to cook. It is very hard to say no but then sometimes I will tell him just to get himself something if he wants and he will ask me "are you sure you dont want something" and I usually say no. On the days I say no for some reason he still grabs me something. I will say I told you I didnt want anything and then he says I know but I feel bad if you change your mind when I start eating! UGGGG! So then I give in! As for junk food it is always in the house and we dont have enough storage in the kitchen so the junk stays out on the counter. I have gotten way better but I use to stand and stare out my kitchen window and eat without even thinking about it. My teenagers are only aloud to have one sweet a day and they love cookies and snack cakes. I want to make it that we dont have the junk in the house all the time and just go out for a treat once and awhile. So I am right with you. I think you just have to want to do it so bad that the junk is not worh it to you. I dont think people should use food as a reward but I do think you should allow yourself a treat once and a while and really take the time to sit down and enjoy it and then move on. Never give up and think you need to start over another day if you eat something that you feel was not a good choice. Just make sure the rest of the day you choose healthy foods. I know sometimes easier said then done but you can do it!!!
  • redheadedgal
    redheadedgal Posts: 149 Member
    Thanks guys. I am so glad to know I am not alone. We have 4 kids in the house, two teenage boys and a teenage girl and a preteen girl. They all have different tastes and likes, so there seem to be some of everything. We don't have enough cabinet space, so the cookies, chips, and cakes sit out on the bar. It really, really, really sucks. Then, on top of that, my husband keeps a box of snack cakes on his bedside table, because if he doesn't, the kids will eat all of them and he won't have any when he wants them. I do so good some days, and then others, I fall off the wagon, HARD. I also have that mind set of I've blown it already so I seem to pig out the rest of the day. I have plans on starting over the next day, but its just so hard. I also rationalize that one snicker bar won't kill me...........anyway, I know I rambled, but thanks for letting me know I am not alone.
  • tndejong
    tndejong Posts: 463
    if i knew how to answer this.. i would! i live with one! i have been making healthy dinners and buying a lot more fruits and veggies. he is losing weight and not happy about it. he went and got junkfood and protein bars to add calories! its a never ending battle in this house. he is 180 and over 6 foot. always been a small frame kinda guy. has to have treats before bed!
  • macaya5
    macaya5 Posts: 75
    I live with my 72 yo dad and his wife, who is diabetic. She does all the cooking and you'd think that would be a good thing. No. She eats CRAP. My section of the pantry is all whole grains, sweet potatoes and an avocado I'm ripening and the rest of it is white flour crackers, cookies, processed boxed mixes and chips. Worse, she is not a great cook. Even worse, she wants to tell me what to eat. She doesn't understand why I don't just eat what she makes. And I really don't know how to tell her it's because I want to live.

    I do the best I can, prep my food ahead when possible, eat by myself when it's quiet and white knuckle it when I go into the pantry.
  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member
    Explained to my partner I would prefer not to have certain foods in the house.

    He keeps them in his shed and eats them out there.