Does anyone smoke cigarettes?



  • Eabec
    Eabec Posts: 53 Member
    I quit with the aide of Zyban in July. Occasionally, still crave but very short lived. Never had chest pains but would hack all the time. I feel so much better now....and can breathe and smell better. Downside was I gained 10 pounds plus the 8 I had lost before. Its so much harder to lose now.......but I would take the 18 pounds over a pack any day!
  • PaulFromEssex
    I have smoked for about 30yrs.... must be well kippered by now:laugh:

    I have recently returned to training hard (after a 15yr lay off) and find that my lungs feel on fire during any deep breathing intensive exercises. Though I must admit that each session does get slightly easier. Like you I am coughing up some yuk afterwards ... but that can only be a good thing to get it off my chest ... so to speak!

    I have cut down a bit. Who knows ... maybe totally quit one fine day :wink:
  • blu_meanie_ca
    blu_meanie_ca Posts: 352 Member
    I smoked for 20 years, and just recently (3 months ago) quit using Zyban. I found it very helpful. I also found a website ( ) that I found useful for information on smoking and quitting. For me, knowing the mechansism behind my addiction helped me to get into the mindframe to beat it.