Running at night, /jogging...



  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    I just re-read your OP and saw that no one actually answered your question about slowing down. The only time I slow down is when there's a crosswalk and I'm unsure how the vehicle approaching is going to behave. As for approaching people, I stand up straighter and quicken my pace just in case they thought they were gonna abduct me or something so i look like too much of a bas@ss to do that to. LOL. retarded, but yes, i really do that. I like to think of it as the peacock defense.

    I just feel so out of place even walking out my door to go for a jog/run. How did you start? how did you all start?
    First, I don't run a whole lot in the dark because A) I have a gym membership so there's an alternative & B) safety, though I've done it. A girlfriend of mine got me a really cool wrist light for Xmas that I use when I do: but if I get to a point where I do more night-time running I'd probably invest in a headlamp. I've also seen folks wear reflective vests like utility workers wear, which is a great idea.

    By "out of place" I suspect you mean that you feel self-conscious about how you look when you run, is that correct? You wouldn't be alone. I haven't met one person who didn't feel the same way when they first started. So I challenge you to evaluate what YOU think when you see other people run. Do you judge them? Do you criticize their form or appearance in some way?

    Once upon a time 2 1/2 years ago, I walked into the gym I had been a member of for about a month & saw a woman running on the treadmill. I would guess she weighed upwards of 250 lbs & she was huffing & puffing along at a slow, lumbering jog. All I could think when I saw her was that she was AMAZING. And if she could do it, maybe I could too! The very next day, the gym happened to be kind of empty so I hauled my 300+ lbs *kitten* onto a treadmill & thought, what the hell, I'll give it a go. I jogged for 30 whole seconds & didn't die! Holy shyt! So I walked for 5 min to recover & jogged again for 30 seconds. Kept that up for over 30 minutes. I didn't go far & I didn't go fast, but something changed in the way I viewed myself & what I might be capable of if I let go of how I think others will perceive me.

    Each week I jogged just a little bit longer, & after a few months was brave enough to run my first 5k, which I did straight through, no walking. I kept on running, trying to get a little better all the time, & fell in love with it. In October I ran my first half marathon.

    If you want to be a runner, YOU CAN!!!
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    Do you slow down when you pass another person or a vehichle?
    As someone else said, I slow down enough to pass people safely, though I'm pretty slow so I don't have the opportunity to pass people often, lol. As far as vehicles, I definitely either stop or slow down as needed to make sure they have seen me & I can get by them safely. Even if I'm shooting for a particular pace on a given day, nothing is worth compromising my safety. If I get run over, then all that race registration money is down the drain & I don't get my medal!! :laugh:
  • crunchy_runner
    crunchy_runner Posts: 23 Member
    Running in the dark isn't my first choice but I don't have a gym membership or a treadmill and running outside early in the morning or in the evening in the dark is my only option. I don't like it because I'm freaked out about being attacked and I swear everything looks like a bear or bad guy but it does make me feel better to be well lit (reflective gear and light). I also carry some runner's mace with me. I only run on the sidewalk though so I'm not too worried about cars hitting me. I do make sure I'm only running in areas where there are street lights so I'm visible.
  • greypilgrimess
    greypilgrimess Posts: 353 Member
    When I first started running I would only run in the dark because I didn't want many people to see me. It didn't take long to get over there... you realise that other people don't care, and there's no reason you should, going out running is a good thing you're doing. I much prefer it to the treadmill anyway.

    I always wear a high viz/reflector jacket and I stick to main roads with lots of lights if I'm running by myself.

    I only slow down if I'm about to cross a road, or if I need to pop on the road to pass a person on the path. I'm actually more likely to go faster if I see a person, because I want them to think I'm fit and fast, heh. I know I shouldn't care what strangers think but it's who I am.
  • Katy_V
    Katy_V Posts: 43 Member
    I didn't go far & I didn't go fast, but something changed in the way I viewed myself & what I might be capable of if I let go of how I think others will perceive me.

    Each week I jogged just a little bit longer, & after a few months was brave enough to run my first 5k, which I did straight through, no walking. I kept on running, trying to get a little better all the time, & fell in love with it. In October I ran my first half marathon.

    If you want to be a runner, YOU CAN!!!

    ^^ This! Inspiring, thanks :smile:

    OP, I started running to aid my lung health a few years ago. I was petrified of other people seeing me (and hearing me) puff and wheeze until a friend pointed out to me that everyone in the gym or on the road is there to do their OWN thing, and you're there to do yours. Sounds silly but I felt like I wasn't being "watched" so stuck at it, dropped 20lbs, felt amazing, started running outside, and quit the treadmill forever.

    Back to the original question, it's not safe to run where I live after dark and I work 7-7, so on winter evenings I do laps of the football pitch until the players go home. I do have a high viz vest too if I'm out of the city for some reason.
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    I prefer running at night. I also take a head torch out now for dark spots. Stops me from slowing down too much.
  • rabt6f
    rabt6f Posts: 37 Member
    I love running outside the best, but I don't like running at night. I'm always concerned about safety and that's why I don't run at night (at least dark I mean). During the winter I run inside on my treadmill. It's kind of boring so I add in more DVD's also. In the spring and Summer, I'm outside as much as possible!