LADIES! Need some supplement advice!

OK ladies, I need your help. There are ads on every radio station in St. Louis talking about this product from Supplement Superstores. It's called the 1-DB Goddess. I normally could care less about these type of supplements but since it's twice as hard for me to shed the pounds (I have a non-functioning thyroid gland), lately I have been thinking about taking something to help me along with my eating and exercise. The product has gotten great reviews (non-biased reviews).

The key ingredients are Niacin, Vitamin B6, Neurocept Complex (used for fat burning), Lipolix Complex (used for energy and fat burning), Goddess Matrix (contains T. aphrodisiaca and ashwagandha - makes your metabolism work harder), and Adrenacept (contains thiamine and naringin). Right now I am only taking an adult vitamin and a B6.

This product is supposed to be specifically for the weight loss needs of women. It is supposed to help you both burn fat and suppress your appetite, therefore the 1-DB Goddess is used to burn fat in the belly, rear, thighs, and hips. And, because women are more susceptible to food cravings than men (ANNOYING!), its appetite suppression properties will help to lower your caloric intake without too much heartache.

Sooo - thoughts? Or does anyone (women) take another supplement that they like and have had good results with? I'm not rushing out to buy anything just yet, but I would l like to get some feedback. FYI, I am 32, have been back in the gym for barely a month (doing mainly cardio/classes with some resistance work) and am staying under approx. 1500-1600 calories a day. I am 5'6" and about 252 lbs. YUCK! I'd like to drop close to 100 lbs - that's nuts! :)

Thanks for your input, ladies!


  • losingweightfindingme
    Just my 2 cents, but I personally would pass on it. If you want, I'd take a super-B complex vitamin but if you stick to the plan and find what works for you, you don't need all of the other stuff in the supplement. Most of the other stuff isn't scientifically proven to work and none of those supplements are regulated by the FDA so the manufacturers can basically put whatever they want to into those products. Scary if you think about it.
  • Have you heard of a product called ACE. All natural. I do take it, gives me energy, not the nervous energy but good energy. I can't say that I have lost a lot weight with it like some folks have, but I HAVE PERSONAL SEEN some people that it has worked for. do a Google search for ACE DIET PILL. Let me know what you think.
  • bokodasu
    bokodasu Posts: 629 Member
    The key ingredients are Niacin, Vitamin B6, Neurocept Complex (used for fat burning), Lipolix Complex (used for energy and fat burning), Goddess Matrix (contains T. aphrodisiaca and ashwagandha - makes your metabolism work harder), and Adrenacept (contains thiamine and naringin). Right now I am only taking an adult vitamin and a B6.

    Well, first off if you have a thyroid issue you should be asking your doctor before adding anything like this - "herbal" and "natural" aren't the same things as "safe", especially when you've got other health things going on.

    And anything that lists weaselly ingredients like "neurocept complex" or "lipolix complex" is probably something to be wary of. For one, because usually that's a clue that they're trying to fake-science-talk you into believing something, or to keep you from being able to actually research their ingredients because they know you'll find studies that show they don't actually do anything. And for two, because sometimes less-than-honest manufacturers will put stuff in there that is really super not ok - like all those "natural" "herbal" ED drugs that turned out to be Viagra, just illegally packaged, or those "Chinese weightloss teas" that contained... dag, now I'm forgetting what they had, maybe phenteramine? Possibly just ephedra. Anyway, banned stuff.

    And for three, yipes, I tried googling "neurocept complex" to see if someone had done the homework, and they had - .
  • pandia17
    Thanks everyone. I went to the store last night and grilled the guy working there for about an hour and a half about different products. I ended up leaving with a product that I feel comfortable with so we will give it a go and see what happens! Meanwhile I am still exercising and folloing my cal. content. :)