Hypnosis and weight loss

Dr. Oz is doing a show on it today. It should be on his website after if you miss it. I'm actually a Certified Hypnotherapist, although I'm not really practicing now, I went to school for it for a year and it does work! Especially for replacing junk food with healthy food. When I look at a label of a food full of chemicals or junk food or fried food, I feel nauseous and feel I'd rather eat dog poo. I can't even imagine eating junk food or food full of chemicals now and automatically crave healthy food, organic if possible.

Two quick self hypnosis tricks, best done right before sleep or when you first wake up:

1. Imagine eating the unhealthy food you crave most that you want to eliminate permanently from your life, really visualize eating it, the taste, smell, texture, then imagine you find someone else's hair in it in your mouth, or a bug, dog poo, or whatever is the most distasteful... After doing this a few times, you should lose a craving for that food.

2. Also, right before sleep or when you first wake up (when you are in an alpha/theta brainwave state, most condusive to hypnosis) imagine looking at your body as if on a movie screen exactly the way you would like to look. Really visualize all the details of your new healthy body. Now zoom into the movie screen and go into the movie screen and go inside the new healthy body and imagine you already have that body. Look down at your new flat stomach, look at your toned arms and legs, imagine trying on your new stylish thin clothes and looking how great you look in the mirror and bring up a feeling of happiness and joy associated with this new healthy body. If you practice this daily, your subconscious mind will try to make this a reality.

Not sure what they're going to do on Dr. Oz, but these are two free self hypnosis tricks you can do at home without paying for a hypnotherapists or buying CDs.

If you have results from this, please let me know:)

Good luck!:

