weight watchers



  • cappri
    cappri Posts: 1,089 Member
    WW and MFP are basically the same thing, calories(points) in vs calories burnt during the day. Just like everything else they only work if you hold yourself accountable. I've been doing WW for almost a year, and have found the online community very supportive. I've only recently begun attending meetings and I find them mostly annoying. I use MFP as my back up tracking system, one because I wanted to track my sodium, and two I wanted to see how much I was eating calorie wise. Plus I like tracking so doubling up on it is sort of fun for me.
  • MJH2
    MJH2 Posts: 55 Member
    I had success several years ago, loosing 70lbs with them using their old Core Plan. The new Points Plus is supposed to be the old Core but I tried that using the online version and it did not seem to work for me. The most important thing for me was that I was not alone and I had others to encourage me. It seems MFP does the same thing and is much cheaper. Good Luck!
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    Not sure I understand what several people have stated regarding how easy it is to make bad choices and stay within your points. I don't find this to be true at all.

    There's much more to the plan than just staying within your daily point limit.

    If you are getting in ALL OF the Good Health Guidelines (5 to 6 fruits and veggies a day, 2 dairy, 2 lean protein, healthy oil, 8 glasses of water a day and a multivitamin), that doesn't leave room for anything but a very small dessert if you stay within your daily points, if you are set to lose weight on 26/29 points a day.

    26 points a day plus the free fruit and veggies is about 1200 calories a day, give or take. Doesn't leave much room for error.
  • coburngirl
    coburngirl Posts: 69 Member
    Not sure I understand what several people have stated regarding how easy it is to make bad choices and stay within your points. I don't find this to be true at all.

    There's much more to the plan than just staying within your daily point limit.

    If you are getting in ALL OF the Good Health Guidelines (5 to 6 fruits and veggies a day, 2 dairy, 2 lean protein, healthy oil, 8 glasses of water a day and a multivitamin), that doesn't leave room for anything but a very small dessert if you stay within your daily points, if you are set to lose weight on 26/29 points a day.

    26 points a day plus the free fruit and veggies is about 1200 calories a day, give or take. Doesn't leave much room for error.
    Exactly. I could have a doughnut for a meal but would be very hungry before the next meal came along :) I've been wanting to look over the power foods a little bit more. I like that you dont really have to track on that plan.
  • carmelasergi
    carmelasergi Posts: 163 Member
    I have been attending Weight Watchers meetings since last fall. I have found it very helpful, HOWEVER, I don't use the WW point system. Instead, I use MFP and track meaningful numbers, just like everyone else here. What I find is that the WW weigh-in and the meeting keep me on track and motivated. The weigh-in is the accountability factor-- I know that someone is watching and monitoring my progress (or lack thereof). The meeting works for me because of the tribe mentality (we are all fighting the same battle). I attend a meeting at work, so I have co-worker participation and support all day at work.

    But let me repeat: I don't use the WW point system. I don't want all these meaningful numbers (like calories, carbs, protein, sodium) hidden from me, and I don't need things dumbed down. I don't need Big Brother adding penalty points to "bad" foods and alcohol. So, I do like Weight Watchers, but not the point system. You can joint Weight Watchers and still use MFP!

    I think it is worth the money, but I get a $150 weight loss program reimbursement annually through my health insurance. Many insurers have this type of reimbursement, so you should check it out.

    I have lost a significant amount of weight since I started last fall, so the combination of WW and MFP is working for me.

    Thanks for your input about MFP & WW. My sister joined WW and although I didn't join, I started logging down what I ate and stayed within my daily allowed points of 28, but I also wanted to be more aware of how many calories I was eating and to also monitor through MFP how many carbs, proteins, sodium & sugar I was consuming. I agree with you, save the money and use MFP to log your food & exercise. Good luck on your weight loss journey! :)