30 Day Shred results?

Hey, everyone! I'm curious if anyone has gotten (great) results on the 30 Day Shred? I'm headed on vacation in 28 days, been doing this for 2 and I'm hoping to see the results she promises! I'm 5'3, 135 lbs, and not really concerned with the number on the scale as much as the inches lost... What have you all experienced so far? Thanks!


  • cspotts
    cspotts Posts: 8 Member
    The first time I did the 30 day shred I made a blog to keep myself accountable. I only had 1 pound weights when I did this. I did it every day even if I was sick and one day ti was my birthday too. Here is a link to my results post. http://fitfulmommy.blogspot.com/2009/08/30-day-shred-results.html I should also mention that I didn't really change what I ate just worked out and still had nice results. I didn't eat crazy to begin with though.
  • Hey Brandi,

    I've been a big fan of Jillian's 30 Day Shred DVD for a long time. I'm 5'8" and about 132 lbs. At 142 lbs, started out just using her DVD every day (and eating right) but since I have finicky knees thanks to old sports injuries, I switched over to mixing it up during the week using the 30DS on certain days and 30-45 minutes of cardio or yoga/pilates on the other days. That combination AND eating right **definitely** produced results. While I did this over four months with the intent of losing a pound or two per month, I'm certain that if you eat right (cut out processed sugar, bulk up on the fruits and veggies, cut back a little on carbs, drink a lot of water), you don't cheat during the workouts (i.e. give it all you've got) and you do the 30DS every day, you will see the results you're looking for. You can do it!

  • blueboxblues
    blueboxblues Posts: 73 Member
    This thread is HUGE and is all results of 30DS. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/272924-the-ultimate-before-and-after-30-day-shred-thread

    I've been doing 6W6P for less than a week and already see a difference.
  • BrandiMefferd
    BrandiMefferd Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks, ladies! I attempted a low carb (under 10) diet for about 5 days and all it got me was the shakes and a constant nauseous feeling. Bread and pasta are staples in my house, so my body didn't enjoy that at all! I am trying to watch my calorie count, and have been doing so for a year, but I have yet to see that 120 on the scale like MFP keeps saying will happen! I'm hopeful that this will work, and even more hopeful that after I complete 30DS I'll be able to move into Insanity which has been collecting dust on the shelf for months!
  • JessicaRabbitskis
    JessicaRabbitskis Posts: 11 Member
    These are mine so far. I am letting my tummy hang out completely in both photos 1c79bda67639b55a3755a1471ab1239d.jpg