Making the gym and everywhere else your playground

I timed myself for 10 miles on a stationary bike today for speed. I did it in 38.30 minutes and then stayed on another 20+ minutes. Im going to do it again at the end of the week to see if I can improve my time. I also added a kettle bell routine, weighted lunges, and increased use of heavier free weights into my weight routine. I feel like a million dollars!! Ever since this smokin hot woman at the gym adviced me to turn the place into my playground I have been transformed. As a big woman Im kind of breaking the mold at my gym and trying to be as confident in my body as the really lean folks. Im hoping to inspire some people to let go of their negetive body image and fear of others judgement so they can feel like the gym and all of their life is a playground to explore, create and be free in being the best whatever that they want to be. I for one am done letting my self consciousness hold me back. Im going to let it go where I can and fake it till I make it everywhere else! I even spent a few minutes in meditation at the gym surrounded by noise and onlookers. I wanted to step out of my comfort zone and try to find the peace and vitality of my own essance in a place where I feel vulnerable. It was profound.

Anyone have stories to share where they triumphed over their own insecurities or stepped outside their comfort zone? I would love to hear about it!!