Put weight on after doing lots of excercise

Hi everyone
I have done lost of exercise in the last 2 weeks at the gym I have joined. I have lost 2 cm from around my waist, nothing much from anywhere else, but I am really pleased with that result for the first 2 weeks! However, I have put on 2 pounds! I am aiming to lose a little over a stone this year, so really hoping that the 'muscle weighing more than fat' thing is true! What do you guys think?
Katie :)


  • I always gain weight after a really hard workout or a string of hard workouts -- I think when you work out your muscles develop tiny little tears, and you put on water weight as those tears heal. I always take a day or two off from exercising and I think that helps you see the weight loss and give your muscles a break!
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    water weight.

    Always happens when you workout due to muscle repair. :)

    Just keep trecking! I'd ditch the scale and go by measurements!
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    It's probably water weight, you haven't gained 2 lbs of muscle in 2 weeks.
  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
    Yep ,water weight, I experience the same thing
  • Its water retention to aid your muscles in repair. This is actually a good sign you are excersing correctly.
  • hydi75
    hydi75 Posts: 3
    Remember you may be losing body fat and gaining muscule at this point you will feel and look different but weight the same
  • Thanks, this helps! I'll keep up with it and see how it goes :)