Hello! New here!

I'm new here and would like some friends to support each other. I've never been very good at message boards before, but then I've not been very successful at getting on plan and staying there. So I'd like to give this a go.

My plan is to log everything for a month. To try to make good choices, but worry more about the habit of consistently tracking so I can better assess where I am. From there, incorporate a fitness routine and add that so that I am consistently following it. THEN really focus on caloric limits and pulling it all together. I figure if I can get these healthy habits into place, I can then successfully tackle my other resolution: to quit smoking this year.

Notice my key? Consistency. I've failed so many times, I feel with a good plan in place, good habits established, my chances of making these big changes this year and sticking to them will increase.

So, anyone want to join me in this journey to offer and receive support? I am open to all friend requests!


  • olsondre
    olsondre Posts: 198 Member
    You are absolutely correct; consistency is key. Sounds like you have a good plan to start!

    Request sent