When people compare ...

It's super depressing sometimes. Some friends and I are going to vacation together in Costa Rica this March. I made a joke to my good friend that if he and his girlfriend (also coming) are going to pig out on dominoes pizza and watch basketball during vday (it's his plan), then he will be helping me to not be the largest girl on the trip. Said friend took it the wrong way, inform me that his girl is 110 pounds, and asked whether I thought I could beat that.

Clearly not. Not by far. Not inside 5 months, even if the infamous plateau doesn't happen. She's two inches taller too. I got depressed just thinking about all the months of hard work that would need to be put in to reach 110 ... and I started off at 127. A relatively small gap to close, compared to some folks here. So impressed with all the people on this site who persevered through months and months of hard toil and eating less (if not years). How in the world did you guys brush off moments like this and just keep going? I really just wanted to reach for a piece of chocolate and give up. You guys are amazing. So amazing.


  • felisha_ortiz
    felisha_ortiz Posts: 10 Member
    I have some that I keep getting compared to, and I tell them, hey, its my body, I am working on it in my way on my time. So there. :)