
I am a newbie and I am unsure about all of this calorie intake stuff. My calorie intake is 1200 calories. I burn 1532 calories on my own with out exercise. Does anybody have a suggestion for exercise?


  • Upstategirl32
    I am a newbie and I am unsure about all of this calorie intake stuff. My calorie intake is 1200 calories. I burn 1532 calories on my own with out exercise. Does anybody have a suggestion for exercise?
  • skinnydreams
    skinnydreams Posts: 1,178 Member
    Welcome and best of luck to you!
  • proudmama0118
    proudmama0118 Posts: 433 Member
    Just pick something you enjoy, will make it easier to stick with it. I personnally am starting to turn into a runner. If you'd have told me I would start enjoying it several months ago I would have said you were crazy!! FITtv has a bunch of great videos to. Just get out and move, thats the first step. And don't worry, it will get easier as time goes on!!
  • winwin
    winwin Posts: 134 Member
    Hi and welcome. If you are already very active in your normal routine you may want to do some strength training. Just your own bodies resistance is good strength training as well as using weights or machines. Push ups, sit-ups, yoga, pilates. These can also be enjoyed while watching t.v. in your own home and you can break your routine up into several during the day. Or one long one at a time. Just my input. I sometimes find it hard to find more than a few minutes at a time.

    Leslie :frown:
  • Upstategirl32
    I generally walk 40 minutes a day, but I have been doing it for like a couple of months. Should I try picking up my pace. It usually takes me 28 minutes to walk a mile.
  • FitNina
    FitNina Posts: 1
    Hi, I'm new to this site, too. Good Luck to everyone