girls how much do you leg press



  • BonaFideUK
    BonaFideUK Posts: 313 Member
    If you want a leaner look then do more reps with less weight.
  • brtrentgl
    brtrentgl Posts: 130
    I wish I could press that much!!! Good job girl :) I press 180 at 4X10. I do legs twice a week as well as run, bike, stairs ect daily. I am striving for some strong gams and think you should keep hitting it hard, but that's just me.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I wish I could press that much!!! Good job girl :) I press 180 at 4X10. I do legs twice a week as well as run, bike, stairs ect daily. I am striving for some strong gams and think you should keep hitting it hard, but that's just me.

    I agree. And your legs look wicked btw. If you're on a calorie deficit, you are going to lose weight, and everything will get slimmer eventually. It's not like you will keep absolutely everything on your legs and it well only come off elsewhere. There's spots our body likes to keep weight, and it's pretty hard to shift genetics. Give everything your best and everything well look the best it can.
  • brtrentgl
    brtrentgl Posts: 130
    I wish I could press that much!!! Good job girl :) I press 180 at 4X10. I do legs twice a week as well as run, bike, stairs ect daily. I am striving for some strong gams and think you should keep hitting it hard, but that's just me.

    I agree. And your legs look wicked btw. If you're on a calorie deficit, you are going to lose weight, and everything will get slimmer eventually. It's not like you will keep absolutely everything on your legs and it well only come off elsewhere. There's spots our body likes to keep weight, and it's pretty hard to shift genetics. Give everything your best and everything well look the best it can.
  • aelunyu
    aelunyu Posts: 486 Member
    I workout with 350 lbs and this seems to be making my thighs bigger. When I started here they measured 25.5" and now there a bit over 26". I think I may be working out with too much. I love how strong they are but would like them to be a little thinner.

    What a hefty leg press...that's better than most guys at my gym! You may find comfort in the fact that underneath a layer of fat which i'm sure you'll be able to cut in no time, there exists a set of shapely, toned, and very attractive legs. I wouldn't get worried at all.
  • stefosaurusrawrrrr
    I used to leg press ~300 lbs, but I haven't had access to a leg press machine for a few months :[ guess I'll have to work for it again when I do!
  • brtrentgl
    brtrentgl Posts: 130
    I workout with 350 lbs and this seems to be making my thighs bigger. When I started here they measured 25.5" and now there a bit over 26". I think I may be working out with too much. I love how strong they are but would like them to be a little thinner.

    What a hefty leg press...that's better than most guys at my gym! You may find comfort in the fact that underneath a layer of fat which i'm sure you'll be able to cut in no time, there exists a set of shapely, toned, and very attractive legs. I wouldn't get worried at all.
  • abrewer563
    I can do 270 3x10, I used to be able to do a lot more but I have to build back up to that.
  • hoosierlad
    hoosierlad Posts: 69 Member
    My sister-in-law comes to mind on this issue. She had a trainer whom had her lifting a lot of weight for legs, and to some degree for back etc. To me, she obviously looked to be in good shape, but too muscular (big) legs, and to certain extent back. She looked liked a weight lifter...not what she was wanting. She went with a new trainer whom incorporated a lot of less weight for legs, and more "dance" type leg exercises and some other exercises with no or small barbells ...made a world of difference in that she looked toned , shapely, and less like a weight lifter.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I can do 270 for 1 set of 10.

    Frankly, I think you have nothing to worry about.. and if it bothers you, then buy jeans to fit the thighs.
  • susanmc31
    susanmc31 Posts: 287 Member
    I just got up to 320 3x10 today. I don't feel like my thighs are getting bigger but I feel like they are better looking with less fat. I love the looks I get when people see me putting more and more weight on the leg press, makes me feel so strong!
  • Absonthebrain
    Absonthebrain Posts: 587 Member
    I just got up to 190lbs this week at 3 sets of 15 and my legs are growing but they are still proportioned and I also run/walk and elliptical. So far I like my results and my legs are getting stronger.
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    I don't do leg press, just squats and deads.

    YAY for strong legs.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    I do them after Bulgarian split squats, so not sure what my max is. There are three leg press systems at my gym, , and then the hack squat, so I guess it depends on the day and my mood. For the regular leg press machine, I do 240 1x10 drop sets to 140, toes up off the surface. If I'm not doing drop sets, generally 220 7 sets of 10. If I can do them without getting in other people's way, I like to do interval with Bulgarian split squats and dumb bell dead lifts. But if the gym is crowded, I don't do intervals.

    I really like to mix up the weight routine. Get bored otherwise.
  • Shausil82
    Shausil82 Posts: 218 Member
    I leg press 160. Am hoping to get up over 200 for leg press by summer.
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 999 Member
    250 lbs both legs together 3x10

    Then I do 100 lbs per leg 3x10
  • brtrentgl
    I do them after Bulgarian split squats, so not sure what my max is. There are three leg press systems at my gym, , and then the hack squat, so I guess it depends on the day and my mood. For the regular leg press machine, I do 240 1x10 drop sets to 140, toes up off the surface. If I'm not doing drop sets, generally 220 7 sets of 10. If I can do them without getting in other people's way, I like to do interval with Bulgarian split squats and dumb bell dead lifts. But if the gym is crowded, I don't do intervals.

    I really like to mix up the weight routine. Get bored otherwise.
    you really work them legs. Good job
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    My sister-in-law comes to mind on this issue. She had a trainer whom had her lifting a lot of weight for legs, and to some degree for back etc. To me, she obviously looked to be in good shape, but too muscular (big) legs, and to certain extent back. She looked liked a weight lifter...not what she was wanting. She went with a new trainer whom incorporated a lot of less weight for legs, and more "dance" type leg exercises and some other exercises with no or small barbells ...made a world of difference in that she looked toned , shapely, and less like a weight lifter.

    How much muscle did she gain and over what time period?
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    I usually do around 300-350lbs. It depends on the day. My hip and knee joints are pretty damaged so I have to see what my body will allow me to do that day. That being said, I have little 18" bird legs (up from 17"!!) but I'm working on it. My goal is to get up to at least 20" by the end of the year at the latest.
  • denezy
    denezy Posts: 573 Member
    I leg press:

    hi-rep (12 x 3) @ 450
    low-rep (4x3) @ 630

    And then it hurts.

    I started at 220 lbs and am now 195lbs and 5'9" though.