Need help juggling responsibilities

Ok-- I tried posting a thread on fitbit in a group i was in and NO ONE responded :/ so, thought i would try MFP since everyone has been so nice over here!!! (fitbit is great, not being negative, it's been SUPER motivating for me!!!)

anyway- i have been having major anxiety all day. i just started grad school last wk and i am already behind and kinda lost, trying to make an appt w/ my prof, but idk how im going to find time for schoolwork. i absolutely cannot fail out of grad school!

i feel like im finally so on track in my struggle to lose weight- i'm going to the gym usually 6 days/wk, generally 2/day M-F. so, most days i am gone from 5/530a-7/730p.

then i have to do the normal stuff like eating (i love eating... haha) laundry, etc. i usually go to bed around 9ish b/c im exhausted. so... doesn't leave much time for school.

i know i'm not married and not a parent, so tons of people have way more responsibility than me and juggle it all flawlessly, but i'm struggling and overwhelmed. i would LOVE LOVE LOVE any suggestions or ideas on what i could do to better handle my day and be successful in school, work, and working out....

~*~Thanks Much!!!~*~


  • stevenyuzk
    stevenyuzk Posts: 88 Member
    I feel ya. I am in my last year of university and doing some really hard courses (hate tax). I found that taking time to workout definitely helps me become more efficient in everything else I do, especially school.

    when i dont workout -> feel tired, takes whole day to finish assignments and study. waste time surfing
    when i workout -> feel great! finish assignments in half the time and not waste time at all

    I would definitely take that 30min-1hour to exercise, worth it.
  • tif83
    tif83 Posts: 85 Member
    thx- i know, i def don't want to back off on my workouts, i am just starting to see the results. and i feel ya on tax- i was going back for a second bachelor's in accounting, and totally changed my mind- so hard!!!! so i decided to get my MBA instead w/ a concentration in finance.

    maybe i could start reading my ch's at the gym?? not sure how successful that would be, but hopefully soon i'll have more energy and can stay up later, maybe accomplish more.

  • tif83
    tif83 Posts: 85 Member
    I feel ya. I am in my last year of university and doing some really hard courses (hate tax). I found that taking time to workout definitely helps me become more efficient in everything else I do, especially school.

    when i dont workout -> feel tired, takes whole day to finish assignments and study. waste time surfing
    when i workout -> feel great! finish assignments in half the time and not waste time at all

    I would definitely take that 30min-1hour to exercise, worth it.

    Oh- and best of luck to u w/ school!!!!
  • sferin
    sferin Posts: 4
    I was going to suggest reading at the gym!! I do that sometimes, on the bikes with the seat backs... so I can burn calories and work out while getting some homework done. Good luck to both of you! It's good you are making the time for the gym, and getting enough sleep is also important. Keep up the good work!! :)
  • AmandaReimer1
    AmandaReimer1 Posts: 235 Member
    I used to plow through some chapters on the stairmaster at the gym when I was in college.
  • stevenyuzk
    stevenyuzk Posts: 88 Member
    ya if its like treadmill and mild cardio training you can try reading, saves you time and keep you entertained.

    I don't read when i workout tho because i mostly do strength training or intense cardio. Gym is like a battlefield for me haha
  • kluedesigns
    kluedesigns Posts: 72 Member
    i completely feel your pain. i finished grad school 3 years ago (molecular microbiology) and it was brutal.

    i found out that my professors really gave tests from their lectures and very little was from the book. all my test were about 10-20 questions small essays to answer.

    i recorded all the lectures, the professors had no problem with it, and i would listen to them again and again while walking, exercising, driving in the car, etc.

    by the time the tests came around i could almost say all the lectures by heart.

    i also kept a very detailed time schedule and stuck to it. i would even set an alarm and when it rang i stopped that part of the day and moved onto my next task. this really helped with getting the chores done.
  • tif83
    tif83 Posts: 85 Member
    i completely feel your pain. i finished grad school 3 years ago (molecular microbiology) and it was brutal.

    i found out that my professors really gave tests from their lectures and very little was from the book. all my test were about 10-20 questions small essays to answer.

    i recorded all the lectures, the professors had no problem with it, and i would listen to them again and again while walking, exercising, driving in the car, etc.

    by the time the tests came around i could almost say all the lectures by heart.

    i also kept a very detailed time schedule and stuck to it. i would even set an alarm and when it rang i stopped that part of the day and moved onto my next task. this really helped with getting the chores done.

    i think having a schedule will help. i know im going to the gym before and after work, i've just made it part of my day. if i can start reading on the treadmill i'll get something accomplished there, and then i just need to designate x-time to school/day, too. otherwise rite now im just overwhelemd and the day gets away from me.

    Thanks for all the feedback! *Deep Breaths* I will do this too!