Hi I'm Angela :)

Hi All,

I'm new to posting on the forums but not new to MFP.com. :) I'm trying to make 2013 MY YEAR.

I started gaining weight during college. The guy I was with at the time always ate fast food, and in turn, so did I. With always having food and coffees and that around me at school, you can imagine, I took advantage. I moved out on my own two years ago, and started to get my weight under control, and then I met my current boyfriend. My weight creeped up again, and slowly but surely, I got bigger and bigger.

Last year, I went through hell. There was all kinds of drama with my boyfriend and my family, which was such a stressful time ... when I'm stressed, I eat. Then, there was something up with my granma, and we found out it was an inoperable brain tumour, and that she had three months to live. Being stressed, angry and confused, I turned to food when i didn't know what else to do. I felt guilty for SO many reasons that I won't get into ... but it just went over and over and over until I gained more weight than I knew what to do with.

Needless to say, I'm done with being fat. I'm done with feeling ugly and worthless. My weight has been an excuse for so many things, and I've let myself go too many times and WAY too far.

I've been eating healthy since the start of this year ... so far so good! I need to do groceries now though, I'm running out ... haha. I have let myself have ONE cheat day per week, but I haven't determined a specific day. I know that life happens, and sometimes my days unfold differently ... so in order to keep on it, I just have a cheat day once a week, and I don't plan it. it sounds bad, but it's working for me so far.

Anyways, I'm looking for people who I can relate to and talk to about everything! Any tips or tricks or ANYTHING would help!

And if you've read all of this, I thank you so much! :)


  • Madonna63
    Hi Angela, my name is Carl and I have been in your shoes many times! I am also a stress eater, and worse than that after 6 pm till late at night! My journey started about 6 years ago when I was 320 lbs and determined too get in shape for my wedding 9-20-2008. I dropped all the way down to 230 and was feeling and looking pretty good. Hence the reason I have a picture of me from my wedding for my profile. Fortunately I have only gained back 30 lbs, but that is waayyyyy too much! Back on the mission I went and lost 6 so far. The one thing I did not do before is consult a nutritionist who could help me understand what, when, and how to eat food correctly. That would be my recommendation to you if you have not done so. My goal is to make an overhaul on my eating which will help me lose and keep the weight off.