Cholesterol Help



  • baotzu
    baotzu Posts: 28
    There are certain things you can change in your diet and your doctor should have provided you some guidance. Salmon and flax are really good to help cut out some of the LDL. Eggs, butter and cheese are some of the worst sources of cholesterol so try to avoid consuming much dairy. Obviously fried foods are really bad for cholesterol.

    Dietary cholesterol has very little effect on blood cholesterol, so cutting dairy and "eggs, butter, and cheese" is essentially pointless. Blood cholesterol is more of an indicator of overall health, which can be manipulated through diet & exercise.

    The notion that eggs have a negative effect on blood cholesterol is just an "old wives tale" perpetuated through the years by the uninformed.

    Reducing cholesterol is simple: get healthy. I've yet to meet a non-overweight / non-skinnyfat person with bad cholesterol.

    Heck, I used to eat up to 8 eggs every day, along with bacon and butter, and my cholesterol levels are perfect. Just eat right, workout, and get healthy.. the cholesterol will follow.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Okay, I am not at all a cholesterol expert (which is why I posted the question....).

    My Total cholesterol is 220
    My HDL is 43 which I thought was okay...but, I guess could be higher
    My LDL cholesterol is 148
    My ratio is 5.1

    I have lost the weight mainly through diet, but with some exercise (about 3 times a week).

    If you've lowered your triglycerides and your cholesterol, then you're doing a good job. Keep at it, I bet the numbers will keep going down. In my opinion, avoid the meds if you can. Don't worry about eating SOME cholesterol and saturated fats.

    Let's say in the next 6 months you bump up that HDL by 10 and lower the LDL by 10. Your new ratio will be 4.2:1. That would be awesome! And it's totally do-able!
  • marsellient
    marsellient Posts: 591 Member
    Bump to read later. Even though I've lost weight and upped the exercise, I got a call to discuss the cholesterol on my blood tests from my doctor's office today. I'm upset and disappointed!
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    I recommend reading this study:
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Okay, I am not at all a cholesterol expert (which is why I posted the question....).

    My Total cholesterol is 220
    My HDL is 43 which I thought was okay...but, I guess could be higher
    My LDL cholesterol is 148
    My ratio is 5.1

    I have lost the weight mainly through diet, but with some exercise (about 3 times a week).

    What diet specifically which foods and food groups, what type of exercise and do you still have body fat to shift? Are you just calorie counting or are you eating specifically for cardiovascular health and hypercholesterolaemia? How intensively are you training, assuming the doctor has cleared you for intense activity? Have you had targeted advice on either from someone other than your regular doctor (registered dietician, health/ fitness professional with an honours degree)?
  • marsellient
    marsellient Posts: 591 Member
    I recommend reading this study:

    Thanks. The link led me to some other useful information, too. Hard going for a lay person, but interesting.

    I'm particularly interested in the literature on statins. I'm going to see the doc about my cholesterol levels on Monday and want to go in prepared in case she wants to prescribe. My first impulse is no, but I have yet to see the levels. After losing close to 40 lb it's all rather depressing!
  • kayduro
    kayduro Posts: 249 Member
    My doctor gave me 3 months to improve my cholesterol. i didnt know what to do so I did nothing for the first month. I did some reading and came to the conclusion that I needed to get with the program. I lowered my total cholesterol by 20% in the matter of 2 months by simply taking these every day:

    1200 mg fish oil capsules
    PGX fiber supplements
    Oatmeal with cinnamon and walnuts

    And eliminating or restricting these:

    Fried foods
    Red meats

    At my follow up appt I had lost 17lbs (which was 8% of my weight)
  • wwmorrow
    wwmorrow Posts: 118 Member
    Hmmm....basically just counting calories. And, no, it's just my family Dr. that I've talked to. I am going to try fish oil...several people have suggested that.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Hmmm....basically just counting calories. And, no, it's just my family Dr. that I've talked to. I am going to try fish oil...several people have suggested that.

    Definitely up your intake of the long chain omega-3s but do also be careful not to take in too much omega-6s because the balance is key. This is helpful, some of the foods might surprise you given you have been calorie counting but Medscape is sound
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Hmmm....basically just counting calories. And, no, it's just my family Dr. that I've talked to. I am going to try fish oil...several people have suggested that.

    eat more veggies, eat a bit less meat, along with counting calories and that should help. fish oil's always a good idea as well.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    I eat lots of veggies, fruits, wild salmon, nuts etc but it wasn't till I added Psyllium Whole Husks twice a day that I got my LDL within normal limits and raised my HDL from 70 to 80.
    Oh and I forgot, I also exercise about 90 minutes daily.
  • dreamchaser12
    dreamchaser12 Posts: 223 Member
  • cbteco
    cbteco Posts: 10 Member
    hi there - your post is very helpful! i have just found out that i have high cholesterol and am worried about it. also, i am upset with feeling old, fat, and tired of losing / gaining 3 stone!

    how to keep positive and know that i can take on this challenge -- i will try your ideas and hope that i can get back in the swing.

    anyone else have good ideas on the cholesterol and diet front?
    thanks, cbteco :flowerforyou:
  • cbteco
    cbteco Posts: 10 Member
    hi there, do you find that the exercise is an essential part of the cholesterol / diet approach?
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,023 Member
    hi there, do you find that the exercise is an essential part of the cholesterol / diet approach?
    It's a must for a healthy lifestyle period and beneficial at reducing the bad subfractions of LDL (ApoB) and improving HDL as well as improving our sensitivity to insulin, which I'm sure will benefit you.
  • marsellient
    marsellient Posts: 591 Member
    I've been doing a lot of reading on plant sterols and have added some to my plan. Anyone else?
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    Dietary cholesterol intake probably has little effect on serum cholesterol levels; saturated fat intake is probably more closely linked to serum cholesterol.

    So as others have said, exercise and increase your intake of healthy fats. If you happen to have the genetic makeup to have high cholesterol, these things may have little effect. I've seen patients go vegan and take the fish oil, etc. and still have serum cholesterol levels over 300.
  • clspwagner
    clspwagner Posts: 12 Member
    What I am reading says, oat bran, red yeast rice, quit smoking, lose weight, fish oil, beans and lentils, apples and oranges. I just started but hopefully I can say this helped in a couple months. My current number is 293
  • marsellient
    marsellient Posts: 591 Member
    Dietary cholesterol intake probably has little effect on serum cholesterol levels; saturated fat intake is probably more closely linked to serum cholesterol.

    So as others have said, exercise and increase your intake of healthy fats. If you happen to have the genetic makeup to have high cholesterol, these things may have little effect. I've seen patients go vegan and take the fish oil, etc. and still have serum cholesterol levels over 300.

    This is pretty much what my doctor has said, as I have lost 35+ and HDL, triglycerides, BP, and sugars are all improved, and within normal ranges....just the LDL is pretty much unchanged. Regardless, I'm increasing exercise, tweaking the diet (it was already pretty good), taking fish oil, plant sterols and thinking abut red yeast, and will be rechecked in 3 months. I'm not convinced about statins. There's something funny about a lot of the research I've seen; however, it seems silly to go to a doctor and be totally unwilling to take their advice, so I'll probably try if the numbers are still unchanged. Does that sound reasonable?