
bellybutt Posts: 19
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Me and my boyfriend of 7 years broke up a month ago. We were supposed to get engaged this year. We have broken up about 4 times since being together but each time we end up missing each other too much. I moved out and got a place with a co-worker. i was sad but i stayed strong and i had a lot of motivation to lose weight. i lost a 24 pounds so far. Just about 2 weeks ago we just started talking again and i was really happy cuz i really missed him but just this weekend we got into a another fight and am really depressed, all i want to do is eat the worst food i can find and lay in bed all day. i don’t know why im so upset this time but I don’t want to gain in all back. Life sucks right now. I wish it would all go back to normal. I don’t like being alone.:cry:


  • you need to completely cut yourself off from him! i know it sounds harsh, but it's what needs to be done. when my boyfriends and i broke up, i put all the pictures of us on a disk and gave it to my friend to hold onto so i couldn't look at the pictures anymore, and also had my friend keep a box of the things he gave to me. now i am able to deal with it and look at all of it, but it really helped out for the time being. and just think of how damn good you'll look for all the other men, and how he'll be sorry he missed out. it helps.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Sorry you're hurting. It sounds like this probaby isn't the best relationship for you...love shouldn't be that hard, and it shouldn't be bad for you. As easy as it would be right now to give in to food and eat everything in sight...try to remind yourself that it's not going to fix anything, and the good feelings you get from food are very short lived.

    It's ok to be alone for a bit while you're working on yourself. There are worse things, trust me. You might want things to go back to normal, but really...there could be much better things ahead for you.
  • kas1021
    kas1021 Posts: 92
    yup. cutting all ties is the only way to do it. youll feel relieved one day after you do it and youll wonder why you put up with the torment for as long as you did. stay strong & good luck.
  • I'm sorry you're feeling so down. But I think you deserve someone who doesn't make you feel so down and makes you want to destoy all the good that you've done so far! You need to join a gym or somewhere that has a punching bag so that you can get out your aggresion or start walking just to get fresh air and away from the real world. Just to spend some time to think about YOU and what YOU need and want. Good luck and I hope things get better...fast!
  • I know how hard it can be. I myself just got out of a 5 year relationship within the last 6 months, and it is usually a day to day struggle. I have my days when I am okay and eating healthy and exercising ridiculously because it keeps my mind off other stuff and days that I am so depressed all I want to do is eat and lay in my bed. Not only was he the person I've been in love with for 5 years, but he was my best friend for close to 7. I very recently, within the last month finally completely cut ties with him and, honestly it was one of the hardest things that I had to do but, I knew I needed to do it for myself. In that time, I had lost 10 pounds, but recently due to other events in my life, I have been missing him terribly. I know that I am personally a huge emotional eater, and if I am down and have a bad day all I want to do is eat, which I have been guilty of the last few days. I've noticed that I feel even worse after doing that, so I am trying not to. Just hang in there. I keep trying to tell myself that I need to continue to take care of myself and loose the weight so that I can be happier about myself, and have a new beginning. It is definitely a day to day struggle though.....most of the time even an hour by hour. Just want you to know your not alone, and I know how much this sucks, and how down and alone you must be feeling. If you ever need any support feel free to add me as a friend, I know having friends both in life and on here has been helping me. Hope you start to feel better soon.
  • I don't feel I know enough about the situation to give you any useful advice on the relationship, but although you may be tempted to eat everything in sight, Working out is probably the healthier and more effective way to feel better. I know I always feel great after a nice workout and it gets frustration out as well. That and cleaning. lol
  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member
    hey, stay strong.....and dont let him ruin you!!!!! get rid of the things that remind u of him if thats whats depressing you. dont binge eat tho......guys can really suck sometimes but if u stay strong and have a positive attitude and keep ur weight loss up, you'll feel better and look better and it'll be his loss, not yours!! good luck!

    ps......take a look at my profile pic, that should cheer ya up real quick!!!!!!!! :bigsmile:
  • bellybutt
    bellybutt Posts: 19
    Thank you guys for all of the wonderful support. Because of your words of encouragement I was able to pull my self out of bed and do a 20 min workout at my apt gym. It was closed cuz its past 11 but i still was able to workout (in the dark) for a bit. I feel a little better at this second but I don’t know how I will feel tomorrow. I guess i just have to take it one day at a time. it feels really good to know that there are wonderful people out there that care for someone they don’t even know, I’m so glad that i found MFP. Thank you all so much for caring!!:heart:
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