5'5 & 146lbs to go-- In need of support and motivation

I joined MFP in 2012 and I was doing really well working out and eating right.. However life hit me like a ton of bricks and I just gave up.:grumble: I don't want to be in the same situation this year. I am really looking for some support and motivation. Someone to help push me and keep me on the ball. I am here to support and motivate those around me as well. Good luck to all of the MFP community!!


  • usmcrachael
    I completely understand where you are coming from, everyone who wants to lose weight goes through this. Take a minute and remember why you want to do this, is it for healthy, family, a bathing suite? Also look at pictures for the past and see the difference in your body language, I bet when you were heavier you didn't look as happy! You have got this, everyone gets discouraged and often takes time off, I have, I just gained 10 pounds in a month because I quit. Keep your head up and get back in the habit and you'll be motivated before you know it!