losing patience



  • ny2298pdsgt
    ny2298pdsgt Posts: 62 Member
    I’m in the same type of boat here. I eat well (considering that I am deployed and have very limited fresh fruit and veggies and have to rely upon someone else making my meals), I try to stick to lean chicken breast and things like that. I do Cross Fit 3 times a week and run 2-3 times a week. Yet every week when I get on the scale, it always same the exact same thing (the scale I use shows to 2 decimal places). I’m beginning to think that it will show that number for whoever gets on the scale, since I can’t fathom that in 3 plus weeks, the number doesn’t change even the tiniest bit?
    Are you lifting more each time, or just doing the same amount of weight every time? Are you continuing to get stronger, or just staying the same?


    I try to imporve my weight each time I go to my cross fit class.
  • faceoff4
    faceoff4 Posts: 1,599 Member
    The scale can be misleading as you could be gaining muscle and losing fat which sometimes can show little scale results or even gaining weight. If you have not done this already, try taking your measurements and even do a body fat test (real ones like DEXA scan or other legit ones) and set your baseline that you can compare it to and you will be able to see if you are making progress. Dont just go based on the scale readings. If you have always done this then I apologies for being redundant.

    Regardless just stay positive and patient and you will see the results soon enough and in the end you are living a healthy lifestyle and that matters more than anything!
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member

    I try to imporve my weight each time I go to my cross fit class.
    FYI I quoted yours to make it obvious I wasn't responding to OP, and left the ... because I chopped some off.

    Anyway, if your lifts are stalling (sorry couldn't tell from your wording if you mean try/succeed or try/fail) you could search/ask in the fitness/exercise forum for tips on how to get past that.
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    Ok, my next question is, what are you doing for exercise? If you're just doing weight training, then maybe you need more cardio. Also, maybe you need to do 30-60 minutes, instead of 90mins-3hrs, and do it more often. It would probably be best to do atleast 30 min's of high intensity, daily, or atleast most days. Weight training is great for building muscle and speeding up your metabolism, and you should definately keep at it, but cardio should definately be part of your routine, also! Another thing, is that your metabolism could be so damaged from before you started trying to lose, that it may need time to repair itself.
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    Also, I noticed that you're not very overweight, at all! When you're very overweight, the pounds will melt off quickly, but when you're as little as you are, it's going to take some time. Don't rush it, you have a beautiful figure! If you try to overdo it, whether by going under calories, or over exercising, you will wind up making up for it. Slow and steady wins the race!!! Just love your body right now, and strive to improve slowly! :wink: :happy: