Biggest Loser MFP weigh in - March 19

well my scale is working again this week!! YAY!!

Starting weight (Jan 4) - 274.5
2 weeks ago - 254
Last week - ????
Today (March 19) - 247.5

6.5 pound lost in the last two weeks
27 pound lost total

I'm so happy that I'm down under 250!!

I thought the show last night was pretty boring. I'm really sad that Brittany went home, but oh well...



  • PammyB3130
    PammyB3130 Posts: 203
    well my scale is working again this week!! YAY!!

    Starting weight (Jan 4) - 274.5
    2 weeks ago - 254
    Last week - ????
    Today (March 19) - 247.5

    6.5 pound lost in the last two weeks
    27 pound lost total

    I'm so happy that I'm down under 250!!

    I thought the show last night was pretty boring. I'm really sad that Brittany went home, but oh well...

  • rem1979
    rem1979 Posts: 344 Member
    After a little gain last week, I have lost that extra pound plus 1-1/2 lbs. I am still 3 lbs ahead of where my goal is so I am not complaining.

    1/09/08 = 215.5 Starting
    1/16/08 = 213
    1/23/08 = 211
    1/30/08 = 207
    2/06/08 = 205
    2/13/08 = 203
    2/20/08 = 201.5
    2/27/08 = 198.5
    3/05/08 = 193.5
    3/12/08 = 194.5
    3/19/08 = 192.0 - 10.9% GONE!!!

    For the last 2 weeks though I have hit a motivation wall and haven't been pushing myself like I should. I am not sure what it is or where it is coming from but I need to get focused again. I also having been reading the boards or posting. I am thinking it's the weather here. Though it's not freezing anymore, now we are getting into the rainy season. Ugh! Better than snow though!!!

    BIGGEST LOSER SHOW - I was sad to see Brittney go. I liked her the best and was really rooting for her. It would be great to see a woman win but I am not sure if it is likely. Kelly does still have a lot of weight to lose so she can still do it. But Ali is getting close to her goal weight but she is still dropping the numbers. The guys are still way bigger though and I think it will be a guy again.
  • SGFlyinHi
    SGFlyinHi Posts: 469 Member
    Start: 227
    Last Week: 206.4
    This week: 205.2
    Loss: 1.2 :glasses:

    I thought the show was boring also. Was extremely sad to see Brit go home.
    Oh well.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    I would have been booted off the show by now, since I'm not losing much or none at all....then again maybe I wouldn't be booted off because I'm not a threat. :laugh:
    I gained last week and stayed the same this week. Struggling this week but I did exercise this morning.
    I get kind of sick of the drama on the show. I miss the older seasons where there wasn't so much.
  • charny164
    charny164 Posts: 175 Member
    I saw the last 15 minutes of the show - sad to see Brit go. I was a little disappointed that Allie voted for Brit. Same with Dan. I would love to see a girl win but I don't know if that will ever happen. They guys seem to have stronger alliances. The only justice will be when the guys start picking themselves off and then they will all start complaining about each other.

    I lost a pound YAY!

    Current weight 171. I was very excited to see the scale this morning. Have been stuck moving back and forth between 172 and 176 for a while now. I think its water weight but it is still very disappointing. I've been having some personal issues lately which have made me lose interest in exercise but I have been still watching my diet.....
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    last week: 227
    This week: 222.6

    The guys will only have to pick each other off if there is a final three instead of last seasons final four! Until then, allie is the only one with any hope of not being voted off, and I liked Brit until she started getting an attitude, she needed to go home so she could learn to believe in herself, which it appears she did. She might just win the eliminated contestant prize, slow and steady, she has the best chance of really keeping it off for good!
  • abetterme
    abetterme Posts: 393
    I like how rem1979 put it, that you hit a motivational wall. I think I have had the same problem for the last week and a half. I finally do have my motivation back today and am back on track.

    Start: 254.6
    235.2 I back slid but am moving forward

    total loss 19.4