Anybody know why I feel like this after exercise?

Hi! Not sure if this is the right section, to write this in.

Last Saturday night I did about 90 minutes on the exercise bike - burning just over 400 calories.
When I finished and washed and went to bed, I got a really anxious feeling. The only thing I can compare it to is that feeling you get when you think there is something wrong. Or the fear after a night out! My mind and stomach was working overtime. it sounds really stupid now - but at the time I felt awful.
It took me a good two - three hours to relax and go to sleep - and then i woke early on sunday - and therefore spent the day tired. The next day the feeling was gone - but it kinda freaked me out.

I don't suffer from panic attacks and I had my blood pressure checked two weeks ago and she said it was perfect. Normally I feel great after a work out and would get a good nights sleep.

The only thing that was different was my food that day. I have been eating good - healthy food etc, with treats if my calorie intake allowed it. I went to nandos with a friend for a meal and when I put in the food afterwards - it was more than my whole daily allowance (hence the longer workout)

It actually has put me off my exercise a bit because I don't want to feel like that again. Does anybody else ever get this or do they have any ideas what it could be?


  • gage_william
    gage_william Posts: 2 Member
    It sounds like a suger rush. If you binged then burned out then it could be what you had in your system. Did you eat your normal meal times? or did you let your system starve to make up for the overeating? that would give you a wierd feeling
  • johloz
    johloz Posts: 176 Member
    If you don't normally feel like this after exercise, it's probably not fair to blame it on the exercise.

    Don't use this as an excuse to be sedentary.

    If the problem continues, consult with your doctor.
  • oohmercyme
    oohmercyme Posts: 279 Member
    Exercise right before bed isn't a good idea. You are pumped up, adrenline going etc, so you are bound to feel wound up after you are done. Do you feel as anxious if you exercise earlier in the day and then go on to another activity (ie. exercise, then make supper or clean or something where you are not trying to fall asleep).
  • I get this alot when I overtrain. Which is pretty much all the time. Although I don't really get anxious as such, I just feel really hyped up and can't sleep.
    My suggestion to you is to do your workouts earlier in the day so your body can relax before bed.
    Is there a chance it was something you consumed, caffeine?
  • Chibea
    Chibea Posts: 363 Member
    I had a similar experience recently when I started the C25k program. I haven't had my BP checked recently and I have recently started an ADHD medication which is an amphetamine. I am on blood pressure medicine, too, so I was afraid I was about to have a heart attack. Like you, I felt fine immediately after the exercise. It was half an hour later that the anxiety came on. I'm off my exercise due to foot problems, and I am definitely going to my doc for a check before I exert myself that much again. It truly was a horrible feeling.
    Was your workout any more strenuous than usual? Mine was way more than I am accustomed to, so part of me figured it was just my body reacting to the change is work level.
  • duckdani
    duckdani Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks everybody.
    Its not putting me off exercise - just doing a bit less than I'd like to.
    Yes - I had worked harder than usual - my goal was to make up for the calories ate earlier and maybe I overdid it.

    I had my breakfast as normal - so it was just a big rush at lunch. Perhaps its a combination of everything - eating foods my body wasn't used to, too much exercise, late night. In a way its nice to know others have the same from time to time - thought I was odd! But yes - I agree, it is a horrible feeling!