
Hello, my name is Andrea and I have 25 years. I am a master student working as Au-pair so i don´t have a lot of free time. A lot of people says that i really don´t need to go on a diet, but I would like to look good for myself and as next year I´m going to apply for an air hostess school I think I need to improve myself.

Well, nice to meet you all, and good luck for everyone (in special for me... I´m really lazy so i´m going to need it XD)


  • runwmeNC
    runwmeNC Posts: 612 Member
    HI and goodluck to you getting high next year Andrea. That job could be bunches of fun flying all over world and meeting new people.
  • DuskMoth
    Hi Andrea! All the best to you, I'm more than sure you can accomplish your goals :)