Mixing egg whites into oatmeal and microwaving

I usually put two to three large egg whites INTO my oatmeal in the pot and cook it till it becomes thick and fully cooked. After that, I put it in the microwave for a minute and then take it out and add warm or hot water to it and mix it up. After that, I add anything i want to it like natural peanut butter.

I heard that zapping it will "kill" the protein? Something about the microwave not being a good idea? Why is this? What happens to the proteins?

the reason why I do this is because while I'm preparing my oatmeal, it sits for a little bit and I don't want it to get cold and it usually does. I like my oatmeal hot or Really warm, so I put it in the microwave.


  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    A quick bit of googling would seem to suggest that this is a misinterpretation of science. The heat denatures the proteins, but that doesn't negatively impact their effect on the body.

    I'm sure someone read about denaturation and decided that it's obviously a bad thing that makes the proteins useless, because everyone wants to be able to say something cool and smart sounding about nutrition. And thus broscience is born.

    ETA : I'm no chemist, nutritionist, or fitness expert. So my opinion should frankly be taken with about as much credibility as the person that told you this in the first place. Don't get your nutrition advice from strangers on the internet :laugh:

    Further ETA : If that's you in your profile pic, I'd say you're doing just fine for protein, and don't need to worry too much. Hellllooooooo Nurse! :love:
  • greginnd
    greginnd Posts: 26 Member
    No, it won't zap the protein. The problem with eggs is that they tend to get rubbery when cooked in a microwave. But I think if you are mixing it with the oatmeal that should not be a problem.
  • greginnd
    greginnd Posts: 26 Member
    I am a chemist. Any heat will denature egg proteins. That's what happens when it is cooked - microwave or stove.
  • alexbusnello
    alexbusnello Posts: 1,010 Member
    No, it won't zap the protein. The problem with eggs is that they tend to get rubbery when cooked in a microwave. But I think if you are mixing it with the oatmeal that should not be a problem.

    They do, even in the oatmeal but thats why i add hot water after and mix it. it helps and makes it like a thick pudding cake lol
  • alexbusnello
    alexbusnello Posts: 1,010 Member
    A quick bit of googling would seem to suggest that this is a misinterpretation of science. The heat denatures the proteins, but that doesn't negatively impact their effect on the body.

    I'm sure someone read about denaturation and decided that it's obviously a bad thing that makes the proteins useless, because everyone wants to be able to say something cool and smart sounding about nutrition. And thus broscience is born.

    ETA : I'm no chemist, nutritionist, or fitness expert. So my opinion should frankly be taken with about as much credibility as the person that told you this in the first place. Don't get your nutrition advice from strangers on the internet :laugh:

    Further ETA : If that's you in your profile pic, I'd say you're doing just fine for protein, and don't need to worry too much. Hellllooooooo Nurse! :love:

    I wish my body looked like that......I'm the skinny fat girl -____-