
Just a quick introduction. I'm 30 years old, married, with two amazing boys. I have been using my fitness pal since September, but this is my first post on the boards. I have always seemed to struggle with my weight. Even in high school, when I was 130 pounds, I was constantly starving myself to keep at that weight (I know, wrong way to go about it). Two years ago I started walking and I was up to walking 5 miles a day 3-4 times a week on our city bike path. That was until I injured myself doing this. So, now I am back at trying to get fit. I started this new fitness journey 15 pounds lighter than I started 2 years ago. So far, I have lost 25 pounds this time around (I've been at it since this past September). It seems to be getting much easier for me to tell when I don't need to eat anymore, I feel achy and sick if I skip a day of my workouts and I can normally stay under my calories without really trying (not saying this part is second nature yet but definitely getting easier).

Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter


  • xoxerinxox
    Wow congratulations on your weight loss so far! Imagine how great it'll be to get super fit for your 2 boys :) If you need some friends for support, feel free to add me!