I think I need a pep-talk. I'm a little frustrated.

Last year I started the Scarsdale Diet and lost 30+ lbs. And, of course, the problem with diets like that is if you don't stay on them for the rest of your life you'll gain back all your weight and probably more, which is what happened to me. I am now at my absolute heaviest ever and I HATE it!! I have no energy, I don't feel attractive, I'm tried all the time, and my clothes don't fit! I started MFP on 1/10/13 and lost two lbs. but after getting on the scale this morning it seems like those two lbs. may be creeping back up.

I need some advice, I need some foods or snacks that I can eat that give me my calories, but not fat or protein. Seems like almost everyday I'm going over my protein, but I feel like I need some protein at every meal so I don't feel hungry. Any thoughts?

I know I need to implement some exercise into my daily routine, but here is an example of my daily routine: up at 5 a.m. - shower - make lunches - get kids up - make breakfast - clean up from breakfast - get kids ready - get me ready - out the door by 7:30 a.m. - first kid to preschool - second kid to primary school - 45 min. drive to work - work from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. - 45 min. drive to pick up kids - home by 6:00 p.m. - help hubby finish up dinner - clean up from dinner - do homework with first grader - baths for kiddos - story time or TV time with kids - bedtime for kids between 8:00 and 8:30 - whatever paperwork, emails, etc. to get done for work, school, etc. - bed for me between 9:30 and 10:00 - then wake up and do it all over again. I don't know when I'm suppose to get in any exercise. Any suggestions?

I just don't want to feel like this anymore - something needs to change!!!:grumble:


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,894 Member
    Where does hubby help in all of this?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    1. Don't worry about your protein intake. Keep your fats down and keep to your cals and you will be fine.
    2. Kids are important yes but there is always a way to make it work. Do you have to drive everywhere? Maybe you can walk/cycle your kids around instead of driving? Can you do a workout DVD like the 30 Day Shred and squeeze it in evenings while kids are doing homework? Make time at the weekends to do a big workout. Remember, you wont be any good to your kids if you die prematurely because you haven't been focused on your health. Surely you want to teach them good habits? If so why not get them involved with whatever exercise it is you decide to take up. Go hillwalking at the weekend or swimming?
  • Pennhotmom
    Pennhotmom Posts: 65 Member
    Start something small. You can do a walk after dinner. This is nice because as the kids see you exercising they will join in. Some people like the Wii for this too. Something for like 10 minutes. In high school I loved TV so I would exercise during every commercial break. It's not a lot but I did lose of course I changed my eating habits.

    Another idea is to do a quick DVD after the kids are put to sleep. They have some that are 10-30 minutes and of course try to make it a family affair on the weekends so you aren't dependent on a sitter.
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    Are you eating enough, that can cause hunger. I changed my protein goal. I do better the more protein I have. It is hard to give you advice without looking at your dairy. But chances are if you are hitting your goals and not eating too little. Those two pounds are water weight.
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    It requires time. Even when you hit your goal you aren't going to be where you want to be. You have to find a healthy way to love what you need to do. 30 min of exercise a day is all you need. Eat a ton of veggies and dont worry about going over on your protein / mfp is low when it comes to what is usually required so if you are hitting 80-100 grams a day its definitely not 'bad' for you. Maybe with TV time or story time make time for a family walk or sports?
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Honey, this was me up until mine and my husbands huge blowout back in 2009.
    It was a very very bad day.
    Since then, the hubby helps a lot more than just taking out the trash, or in your case, making dinner.
  • elvinprincess_9
    elvinprincess_9 Posts: 23 Member
    you can get some 10 min fitness dvds cheap off the internet. I fit them in whilst im cooking dinner. You can do a 10 min workout or you can do all 5 together for a 50 min workout. Called 10 minute solution and they have all different ones, im using carb and colorie burner and dance off fat fast.
  • are you able to walk at lunchtime or any breaks that you get at work? I walk and do my stairwell runs at work on my lunchbreak + my two 15 min breaks... I just eat lunch at my desk afterwards..
  • johnny059qn
    johnny059qn Posts: 163 Member
    1. Don't worry about your protein intake. Keep your fats down and keep to your cals sand you will be fine.
    2. Kids are important yes but there is always a way to make it work. Do you have to drive everywhere? Maybe you can walk/cycle your kids around instead of driving? Can you do a workout DVD like the 30 Day Shred and squeeze it in evenings while kids are doing homework? Make time at the weekends to do a big workout. Remember, you wont be any good to your kids if you die prematurely because you haven't been focused on your health.
    ^^^ This ^^^ Make yourself a priority!!
  • If you need protein to feel full than eat it! :-)
    I know what it's like to busy but you HAVE TO work in some gym time. Even if it means weekends, or working out at lunch. Where there is a will there is a way. You may have to get creative and think outside of the box. Also there are workouts you can do with your kids (walking, jogging, and DVDs)
  • holly3585
    holly3585 Posts: 282 Member
    Eat more protein!! The automatic values here are too low!! Protein is good. Fat is good too. Not fat from a deep fried something... but fat from nuts and avocados WILL NOT hamper your efforts. Truly the hardest part is the nutrition, so just start slowly, take into account every bite you put into your mouth, and make better decisions. Start with one choice here, and one there, and eventually you will really crave that pear and unsalted almond breakfast instead of the glazed pastry and OJ alternative. Eventually get up 30 min. early each day, take some 'you' time and walk or do a workout video off youtube....... or if nights are better as soon as both kids are in bed, take your 30 min. then....or on lunch break at work.

    You just have to remember why you want this, and STICK TO IT!! You can do this for you! No one else will make time in your day to get moving more, or turn down the Kraft Mac & cheese and dice up ingredients for your salad for you. You have to do these things for you, and you can! Good luck!
  • whitmars106
    whitmars106 Posts: 118 Member
    I assume that you get a lunch break at work? Find a gym close to your office, and go on your lunch hour. Once you get back to the office, you can eat your lunch. If there aren't enough gyms near your office, then take a walk outside, or find a park. You just have to utilize your time, and it seems with your busy schedule either it's your lunch hour, or you'd have to stay up later, or wake up earlier (and neither sound appealing since it seems you only get about 7 hours of sleep). Stay motivated, and remember your long term goals. It's important to take time for yourself.
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    Have hubby help with kiddos a.m. (breakfasts, packing lunches, cleaning up) and use the morning to get a good work out it. As for limiting macro nutrients. . .eating fats wisely is good, but worrying about every little fat/protein/carb is going to drive you crazy. Measure your foods to make sure you're getting the right serving sizes, plan your food intake for the bulk of the day, and EXPECT support/help from your husband. I wouldn't be able to do what I do without a TON of help from my hubby. He gets our youngest breakfast and cleans up, packs his lunch, reads the Bible with our 14 year old EVERY morning, he makes dinner, he helps drive kids to karate, etc.. . .without his help, I'd be hard pressed to fit in running and other fitness endeavors.

    You said you want things to change. . . and CHANGE they must!! Good luck. You really will feel much better as you get more exercise!!
  • legnarevocrednu
    legnarevocrednu Posts: 467 Member
    Dont' worry about being over on your protein! I love it when I am! Track your sodium, carbs, and calories. I don't worry about fat or sugar (that's just me though).
    How long of a lunch break do you have? Can you go on a walk, or jog in place/do some jumping jacks in the break room? I know it sounds crazy, but for those that want this badly enough, you have to be crazy sometimes! Also, there are dvd's that are only 20 minutes long (like that shred dvd everyone talks about) that you can either do first thing in the morning, or before you go to bed. Just some tips! Sorry if they are repeated...I didn't read the other responses yet. Good luck!
  • kluvit
    kluvit Posts: 435 Member
    I get up at 4 to workout, but I didn't when I first started on MFP; I also didn't look at all of the macros. I focused on calories to start with, then started tweaking later. So, I wouldn't worry too much about "too much protein."

    I know some will disagree, but I found that delaying my first meal until I'm truly hungry helps my "calorie bank" last longer throughout the day. Once I eat, my body wants food every two hours, so if I can wait until lunch, I'm much more likely to be successful without feeling deprived, so the need for snacks is diminished.

    The 4am workouts work for me, but when I can't for whatever reason, I try to get in a half hour walk during the work day. If that's an option, I highly recommend it...especially if you've got some similarly motivated work friends. Get fit together while chatting about life.

    But, most of all...hang in there. My weight fluctuates about 5 pounds within the same day, so I never count a weight change unless it hangs around several days in a row (weighing 1st thing in the morning). I had several weeks where the scale didn't budge, then all of a sudden I would be down 3-4 pounds. As long as you're burning more than your taking in, you're going to lose weight, so just keep doing what you're doing...and enjoy the journey as you make lifestyle changes with long-term benefits. You'll see the results soon enough.
  • FitGuyWillDoIt
    FitGuyWillDoIt Posts: 111 Member
    Fruit is a great snack. It has the calories you need to keep you going plus it does not cause your blood sugar to spike and crash leaving you hungry. Nutritionally it has vitamins, minerals and enzymes which your body needs. Also the fiber keeps you full and its water content helps keep you refreshed.

    Speaking of water, make sure you drink 8 - 10 glasses a day. It will help energize you during your hectic day by helping your metabolism and by flushing out waste and toxins that slow you down.
  • You're in a busy phase of life! You're kids will grow soon enough and you'll have a little more you time. Have you talked to your husband about it? Can he help you fit in a little exercise, like take a walk while he bathes the kids or something? Or take a walk together, then you get to talk to each other and the kids get exercise, too. Something is better than nothing, it doesn't have to be big.

    Have you checked out the South Beach Diet? He talks more about what kind of food you're eating than counting all the calories, etc.

    I have four kids, all over 10 now. I know how busy and tired you feel.

    Keep trying, it's important!
  • subconscious_ink
    subconscious_ink Posts: 194 Member
    Well, a couple of suggestions. Make your diary public, so people can check out what you're eating and give you some tips. Also, as others have said, don't worry about going over on protein. It won't hurt you and it is much more filling than carbs. Also, try to make sure you eat enough fats. You don't have to overeat them, but some fat is helpful to keep you feeling full. Just make sure it's healthy fats.

    Could you maybe walk on your lunch break at work? Maybe you and some coworkers could make a lunchtime walking group. Or, instead of T.V. time/ story time with kids, try exercise time with kids a few days a week. It will make them healthier as well. Maybe check out some fun dancing dvds that both you and your kids can exercise to? They actually make exercise dvds geared towards children; they might be a little easy for you, but at least you'd be moving, and your kids could have fun with them! Maybe something like 6 Fit Kids. It's on Amazon and has gotten a lot of positive reviews.
  • deb3690
    deb3690 Posts: 59 Member
    I don't see what you are doing over your lunch break on your list...how about a walk or some exercise? Eat some small meals throughout the day at the desk (if that's your kind of work). You have to carve out some time for yourself somewhere and defend it....everyone else has to help!

    Exercise is the best lifestyle change.

    Eating whole foods in healthy proportions might also be a good lifestyle change. I would suggest you read McDougall's website and books....it could change your life...its not ketogenic, not high protein. and its sustainable...but challenging when you first get into it.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if it helps?

    Take care!
  • EmilyMarieMo
    EmilyMarieMo Posts: 67 Member
    I work full time with two kids that go to two different schools and my commute to work is 45 mins-1 hr. I work out at lunch time at work. (And by that I don't mean a gym. I change clothes in the bathroom and go walk outside or I will walk back and forth down one of the hallways at work or I will do stairs. and I only do about 20-30 mins worth.) Also, my kids are down in bed no later than 8:30 and I have already jumped into workout clothes and head out the door to walk/run as soon as I kiss them goodnight. If weather is bad, then I'll do a workout video inside. Again, I aim for only 20-30 mins worth. I sometimes workout both at home and work, or I will do one or the other. Since week nights can also be busy with extra cirricular activites in the evenings and maybe had a busy day at work too... then I use my 1-2 days off during the week when stuff like that comes up, and I take advantage of a Sat morning or Sun evening to get work outs in too when hubs can let me take 45 mins-1 hr to myself.

    As far as food goes, don't worry about going over protein. MFP underestimates that anyway! AND I find the only way I can be successful when it comes to food is to be prepared ahead of time! Going into a meal time and not already knowing what I'm going to eat, really allows a LOT of room for bad choices, and allowing myself to get too hungry really encourages the urge to over eat.