Who Just Eats Normal VS Who Eats Healthy/Organic/Low Carb...



  • jonesin_am
    jonesin_am Posts: 404 Member
    I still have a long way to go. I don't follow any particular "diet" per say; I just eat healthier and more reasonable portions. I have always eaten a fairly clean diet including lean meats (lots of chicken), veggies/fruits, and whole grains; just too much of them. One thing I have learned is that eggs are not bad for you and protein really helps keep me satisfied for a longer period of time than grains. So now I start my day most mornings with three eggs and make sure I have protein somewhere in my lunch. I also try to stay away from white refined products - no white bread, etc. But I haven't eliminated anything from my diet all together. For me, it's just not possible.

    I've always focused on the calories...never the macros. Logging on this site versus doing weight watchers has really helped put things into perspective for me. I now focus less on the calories and more on trying to get in enough protein and fat in my diet. Additionally, I try to make sure the foods I do eat are wholesome, nutrition dense foods rather than something low cal with a bunch of ingredients that I can't pronounce.
  • tiffbest00
    I do not eat processed foods anymore and opt for organic and all natural when available. I've eliminated dairy, soy, gluten, sugar/artificial sweetner, caffeine, red meat, and pork (all for medical reasons) and I've never felt better. My body does not respond well to anything with hormones or additives so it was my choice and it was the best choice I've made in a long time. I thought it would be difficult but after a week the adjustments were easy. I work 60+ hours a week and have been able to stick with clean eating. My body no longer craves certains foods and I'm not sluggish anymore.

    I know my changes may seem drastic and unrealistic for some but I did mine for medical reasons not weight loss, however, I've been dropping lbs since I've started my clean eating. It's all about how your body feels and reacts to foods. I personally physically feel terrible anymore if I have a slice of pizza and diet soda so it's easy for me to avoid.

    It really is about what works for you and your body. My mom had a lot of success on weight watcher because of the guidelines. I tend to stay away from anything like that because it becomes more of a chore for me. I'm at the point now where I know what I should and should not eat. I simply count my calories and work out when possible.

    Eating organic isn't the most important thing in my opinion but eating clean (no additives or preservatives and all natural) is. It's helped me tremendously.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Why isn't eating healthily 'normal' or 'regular food'? What is abnormal about fruit, veg, meat, fish, beans, lentils, nuts and seeds? The only 'food' group some of us restrict is the junk category.
  • tiffbest00
    Why isn't eating healthily 'normal' or 'regular food'? What is abnormal about fruit, veg, meat, fish, beans, lentils, nuts and seeds? The only 'food' group some of us restrict is the junk category.

  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Wall of text, not a desirable way to read.......Edit and get that into paragraphs.

    sheesh! Bit rude, what are you? the grammar police?

    Posts like that look like one giant run-on sentence. It does make reading and comprehension of the point more difficult. The content was good.

    Yeah, I know it was harder to read but so what. No need to berate her for it though, if you don't want to read something then don't. I still managed to read it fine.

    I don't thinks she was berating the OP. She just stated what it was, that it was hard to read and then suggested how to fix it. She said the same thing you did (that it's harder to read), just more concisely. She just didn't throw in a bunch of fluffy, kid glove words. I read it all the way through but it would be easier if she broke it up a bit.

    I read it as someone having a go. A Grammar Nazi. ... could have easily just said "Hey maybe you should edit your post and break it up a bit as that was quite hard to read" .. at the end of a post in which she referred to the OP's topic. Lets just stop the discussion about how its typed here eh, as it's not the topic of discussion that the OP wanted.

    I think that maybe you jumped the gun. The person didn't make fun of them or say, "hey..you...what are you thinking!" that's berating. All they said was a straightfoward - btw and here is a suggestion...
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I eat whatever as long as I meet my macros and stay close to my calorie goals. I do choose to eat healthier things (doesn't have to be organic) but I also do not cut out processed, junk food, etc. Everything in moderation.
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    I eat regular..definitely not clean... but I have added new items to my menu because they taste good..like almond milk and homemade fat free chocolate syrup.
  • marathon_mama
    marathon_mama Posts: 150 Member
    Wall of text, not a desirable way to read.......Edit and get that into paragraphs.

    sheesh! Bit rude, what are you? the grammar police?
    I don't think he/she is rude at all. The fact is most people will skip if it's too wordy. That's what TLDR means when you see it on internet forums...TOO LONG DIDN'T READ.
  • AliciaC81
    AliciaC81 Posts: 72 Member
    I eat smaller portions than I used to, and so far it's working. I've started eating a bit healthier than I did because eating smaller portions means that I need to eat filling and healthy foods or I'd be starving. If I ate chips and cookies and ice cream I could easily use up a huge chunk (if not all) of my daily calories and yet be starving (and sick to my stomach) all day. So, by making sure that my food is first and foremost for fuel and energy..I then treat myself to what I like if I still have calories left and if I'm still in the mood for it. (Which I'm finding I'm not as often anymore).
  • skinnymoomoo
    skinnymoomoo Posts: 202 Member

    Yeah, I know it was harder to read but so what. No need to berate her for it though, if you don't want to read something then don't. I still managed to read it fine.
    I don't thinks she was berating the OP. She just stated what it was, that it was hard to read and then suggested how to fix it. She said the same thing you did (that it's harder to read), just more concisely. She just didn't throw in a bunch of fluffy, kid glove words. I read it all the way through but it would be easier if she broke it up a bit.

    Thank you.

    And no, I was not being rude. It is rarely questionable as to when I am being rude. Subtlety is not my strong suit. If you managed to read the post easily, then you might have better eyes than some of us. As it stands, I said the content was good and related my own experience as to what the OP was asking for. The information the OP was asking for will give other members a chance to see what has worked for others and what kinds of eating they might be able to incorporated into their own plans.

    This is a good thing.

    I'm hardly the grammar police, either. In fact, my grammar is pretty terrible most days.
    I wasn't on about you x
  • lbride
    lbride Posts: 248 Member
    When I am trying to "diet" or "be healthy" I eat a lot more fresh fruits and veggies (b/c they are filling) and generally higher fiber food and less processed food. But I am a child of America and like my processed food, so I just typically watch the portions at meals and then eat fruit/veggies to fill me up.
  • Lsteedly85
    Lsteedly85 Posts: 76 Member
    When I started was at 197, now down to 144 by slowly removing the unhealthy things out of my diet. At first it was soda and fast food. Then started following the workout programs food guides which were all clean. I saw results and felt better so kept reading up on eating clean and making smarter choices. I would say 90% of the time now, I eat clean. Once I hit 150s my goal changed to just eat healthier and exercise.
  • xoxerinxox
    I'm vegetarian and always have been, I also just started eating keto but always ate low carb because that's what works for me. I guess you just have to try things out and see what works best for your body and lifestyle :)
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Why isn't eating healthily 'normal' or 'regular food'? What is abnormal about fruit, veg, meat, fish, beans, lentils, nuts and seeds? The only 'food' group some of us restrict is the junk category.

    This was my first thought too. Then I realized if everyone thought/ate this way, there wouldn't be millions of people trying to lose weight.
  • Julettashane
    Julettashane Posts: 723 Member
    Wall of text, not a desirable way to read.......Edit and get that into paragraphs.

  • Julettashane
    Julettashane Posts: 723 Member
    I tend to just eat whatever I want, as long as I stick within my calories and fats. I don't ban myself from anything. cause if I know I can't have it, I will just want it more haha I think the best thing to do is just change the way you eat forever, so it has to be something you can stick with forever without falling off the wagon. The way I do it is best for me and works for me. x

    this is me!!
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    I eat what I want, when I want and in the quantities I want....

    ....with the caveat of trying to meet my macros every day. It's working very well, thanks.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I try to make good choices most of the time but don't deny myself what I want. I have chocolate almost daily. :bigsmile:
  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    Hmmm, I didn't know that my way of eating (wholefoods, vegetables, organic and natural along with eating out once in awhile )was abnormal. I thought it was pretty normal. Just the same way I think a diet based on eating out is also normal. Abnormal in my opinion would be to follow crash diets, or the latest quick fix that is been advertised on TV.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I eat for health and getting adequate nutrition. We stopped living to eat and now just eat to live.

    I eat very basic, meat, fat, veggies. if I want dessert type food, I have a piece of fruit.

    Once a year (Anniversary time) my husband and I share a slice of really good cheesecake.

    I was once a "kind of clean eating" low carber, but still had the crystal light, diet soda, sugar free cheesecake, bready type foods, etc..............

    I have taken my eating to a more fine tuned way of eating that makes my husband and I both feel our best.