SBF2 Reboot Boogaloo! March 15th

yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
Happy Spring Break - though I don't think any of our lives change during this time. SXSW is here, so locals avoid downtown at all costs. I'm off to Fort Worth to visit my sister today. I'll be back Wed evening. The only time my mom could go during this week was today, so I have to sadly leave husband right after he got back.

MM - I think you should still check in - but I'm being selfish.

For the next three days: I plan on getting yoga in each day - finger's crossed for class in Dallas Tuesday night. Also a walk on Tues & Wed - maybe a gym visit today.

Oh, husband lost 5 lbs on the latest trip - 12 lbs total now - in three weeks. Yeah, can't stand it.

I-35, boogaloo.


  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Just a quick check-in. We're off for an "in-town vacation" for a few days. I've got a massage booked, and dinner reservations. Then, tomorrow we're going to the art gallery. All work-space (aka...also our home) and distraction free. Mary, we ended up booking a place downtown (at another "starwood point" friendly joint) so I'll report back.

    I'll be off the grid until late Wednesday.

    Technology free (well, mostly) boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    What?! I'm sorry, you two CAN NOT leave at the same time! It's not fair! :wink: It's okay I still love ya both. I hope you both have great trips!
    CP, don't leave me alone in here for the next two days!

    I'm a little thrown off by the time change. Not fun. Too dark to run in the mornings so I am going to have to go later in the day. I sent two hours cleaning and looking for rat holes. There were rat droppings in the middle of the living room this morning! So much for rats staying along the walls. I may have found a couple of holes. I blocked them with towels for the moment. If we think for sure that's where they are coming in then we will call the landlord and tell him to send out someone who knows what they are doing.
    I started a new cleaning program today so I hope that will help me keep the house cleaner.
    I may get a walk in later. Alex needs a hair cut :frown:. He's really good about it but I don't like cutting off some of his curls. It's getting in his eyes though. And for some reason he's not eating much at all. 1/3-1/2 what he usually eats. :huh:
    Anyway, happy Monday!
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    I'm still here! V & Mary, have fun on your trips (or "trip" in V's case). That's crazy about your husband's weight loss while he was gone :huh: - most people eat more when they're out of their normal routine. MM - I'm SO sorry about the rats. Ugh.

    I am also not enjoying the time change. I was really tired and out of it yesterday. I ended up working until about 7:30 last night, and then went and ran on the treadmill. I'm glad I did, but I wish I didn't get home so late. At least I got to spend some quality time with my husband before bed. And I did my pushups (they were hard - I hadn't done them since last Wed). I did manage to get to sleep (or at least in bed) before midnight, so I'm a little better rested today.

    I've been afraid to log it, but I think I've lost a couple of pounds now since I've been running 3x/week (after the initial 2lb gain when I first started back up again - that only lasted for a few days). Maybe tomorrow I will do my measurements also. I'm at the point where I don't really want to lose any more weight unless I can tell where it's coming from - if the slightly flabby parts are still slightly flabby, then I worry about losing muscle. Other than pushups, I really haven't been doing any strength training - it's just so boring. :tongue:

    Tuesday boogaloo! :flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Yay! CP is still here! :happy: Bummer that you had to work so late but good for you still finding time to do other needed things! My hubby didn't get home till 8:30 and had a horrible day. The night didn't get much better. The time change is affecting Alex too. He cried throughout the night. He was mad when he went to bed and I guess he woke up about 1 am still mad. We didn't sleep well. Yesterday I changed his clock in his room and he started to get upset. So I had to wait until he wasn't in the room to change the time. Poor kid.
    Today has been a productive day so far. I got my cleaning done, played with Alex quite a bit. Now I'm trying to figure out what to do with the rest of it. My back has been hurting again so working out doesn't sound appealing but I will try to do something. Rainy today so a walk is probably out. Eating seems to be going a little bit better too.
    I guess that's it!
    Getting in line boogaloo!
  • Bobbie145
    Bobbie145 Posts: 331 Member
    Hi, everyone! It has been a crazy week or so. Last week was very busy and stressful, but it is over, thank goodness. Got in spin yesterday and plan to spin tomorrow. I need to check with the Y to see if we have classes since tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day and a bit of a holiday in Savannah. Hope everyone is doing well!

  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Happy St. Paddy's Day!

    Hi Bobbie, nice to see you! Sorry you had a tough week - I hope this one is better. Last week was tough for a few of us, actually. And MM, sorry your hubby had such a bad day. Any luck with your rodent "friends"?

    I'm just happy that the sun is shining again! I went to dance class last night, which was OK - and we did more plate-balancing. As long as I can move really slowly I do pretty well. :wink: Tonight is MAYBE running outside if I can get out of work early enough, and my knee isn't bothering me. I don't know what's going on - it doesn't hurt when I run, or dance, but it hurts afterwards. Maybe I just don't notice until afterwards? I'm not sure. I'll do pushups tonight, too.

    My weight was back this morning to where it's been, so I didn't bother doing measurements. Maybe next week.

    Luck o' the Irish, boogaloo!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Hi Bobbie! Good to see you again! We wondered what happened to you. I hope this week is going better for you!
    CP, I hope your knee gets better. I started having shin problems when I started running but I guess that's pretty typical when first starting out. I see all these people working out (local people, Biggest Loser, Olympians etc) and they all seem to be so healthy, but then I hear about pains they are having and broken bones etc. I guess no one escapes it, but people keep plugging away at it. I don't think I had a point to all that. :laugh:

    Today is busy day! Horse therapy, seeing my friend, and church tonight. I got most of my house cleaning done this morning too. AF came in with a bang this time, so not feeling up to doing much else today. I have to remind myself that if I don't work out during the month my cycle is really bad. :grumble:
    I plugged a few holes and didn't see any "evidence" yesterday, so I thought we might be in the clear. No. There was evidence on the floor again this morning. I've been praying that God would just give me grace and patience to deal with this and to help me find the hole. Maybe I did plug the hole and now the rat is stuck inside. DH is a computer geek so I am going to see if I can get him to set up the webcam to record the rodent. Maybe that way we'll see where he's coming from. DH worked until 10 last night so he hasn't had much spare time for things like that.
    I'm not wearing any green this morning! Oh well. I don't usual pay attention to that sort of thing. I'd better get going. Have a blessed day!
    Pinch pinch boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I'm back, pebbs.

    Had a great time on the sort of staycation trip. We went to see the King Tut exhibit (a bunch of cool stuff that almost never leaves Egypt) and ate. A lot. I didn't log...but I'm convinced I ate a week's worth of food in two days. When I got home, in order to re-boot myself, I tried on my pants that I had to put away in Jan. because they were so tight they were tacky. They're still tight, but I could probably wear them in public now (I still wouldn't quite yet, as I like breathing).

    The best news is, the past few days have been my first "hey, I don't feel sick" days. If (and only if) my energy is still good later today, I may try "spinga" at the gym. It's twenty five minutes of spinning followed by 30 minutes of yoga. I'm really eager to see what happens if I get my heart rate up a bit. Yesterday we did a lot of walking (when I looked at google it was nearly five miles) and I was still up and energetic. I have a lot of anxious/nervous energy due to what feels like lost productivity during the sick. Boo. I'm trying to let that go as much as I can.

    There, I wrote a novella to make up for a missing day.:wink:

    Sunny and optimistic boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    I have a cold - blargh. I was sick the entire time in Fort Worth. Walked around alot anyway. I'm going to take it easy today and hope I'm back to normal tomorrow.

    Home again, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Update: crashed hard this afternoon. Took a walk, then took a nap. That's enough for the day.

    Boo to the cold, Mary...feel better.
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Welcome back, travelers! Hope you feel better, Mary.

    I went for my run tonight. The weather was great, and I had fun... mostly. Towards the end of my route, I was at a busy-ish intersection near my house and I hear some guy shout something at me from a car. I had my headphones in, so I couldn't tell what he said - I figured it was just stupid "hey baby" stuff. Then he shouted louder, "Hey, you got a fat *kitten*!" I ignored him, crossed one street, and jogged back and forth waiting for the signal to change. The driver was waiting for a chance to turn left, so his passenger had time to shout the same message a few more times: "You got a fat *kitten*!"

    Really? :noway:

    It's not like my feelings were hurt. I know my *kitten* isn't really fat (honestly, as of late, I've been thinking it's a little flat), so that's not even the point. Maybe he was being funny for his friend (although he sounded more mean than amused). Clearly he was hoping to upset or rattle me. I can guess that maybe he assumed that since I was jogging and female, I must be insecure about my body, so such a comment would upset me. And I guess it did - but not for the reason he was presumably hoping. It's just hard for me to imagine what sort of messed up worldview you would have to have to make it okay to shout something like that at someone on the street. What sort of social control/intimidation purpose does that sort of act serve? Is that really the price that people think a woman on her own deserves to pay, just for doing her own thing?

    I mean, really?
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    You all are the silver lining in my gray cloud today. I'm glad to have you back!
    Mary, sorry you're sick! That's no fun to be out of town and not feeling well.
    V, glad you have had more energy! Don't overdo it! :wink:
    CP, you are amazing. I would have run home crying. But I really do have a big butt and I'm self conscience about it. Maybe you should carry a gun? That would have shut him up. Oh wait you do have guns! :wink: Okay now I'm just being goofy.

    Well, my day has not started out that great. Couldn't seem to get out of bed this morning so I am getting a late start. Grocery list is not finished yet and I need to get to the store. DH called and said he called the FBI to check on our fingerprints. Good news: his was accepted and is going to be sent out tomorrow. Bad news: mine was not accepted and I have to redo it. We could be getting a court date in 5-6 weeks. The FBI background check typically takes 13 weeks. We sent in the first set in January before our trip. We read a few weeks later that we should have sent 2-3 copies each because this apparently happens often. So I am going to the police dept today to get 3 sets done today. The lady said we could fed-ex the prints and call them with the tracking number and they'd try to push it through faster. I had no idea the paperwork would turn out to be such a nightmare!
    I'll be honest and say I am very frustrated, but it's probably more my hormones talking than anything. AF is not being polite at all this month. Pay back for last month I guess.
    So today: fingerprints again, grocery shopping, chores for the day, and nothing else. Maybe I'll throw a cry in there for good measure. :laugh:
    I usually try to say I'm not really in a mood that bad but let's face it ladies: today I'm a grouch. Now if i can be a grouch and just not eat my way "happy" then I will be okay. I have cheesecake in the fridge. I am not tempted. I don't like it enough to pig out. If it was a chocolate cake however...
    "Oscar" award boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Wow. CP, just wow. That is terrible...and I understand that it is more of a "sad state of society" moment than feelings hurt. Who ARE these people that feel it's OK to randomly harass/violate/bother/intimidate a woman doing her own thing? This is the sort of crap that makes me want to burn it down. I'm sorry that happened to you. It kind of makes me feel stabby. (this is the word in my house when something makes me want to commit violence...I'm not serious (mostly). I think I picked it up from the internet...) I know that the most radical act is to continue to "do your own thing" as a person, but that sort of disrespectful, weirdly violent-leaning control behavior makes me want to knock heads together. Breathe in- breathe out.

    Today, I once again have intentions to do some activity, I just haven't decided what. I'm in a mode right now where I'm not sure if I'm sensibly not pushing it, or scared to work out. I haven't had my chest x-ray to verify that I'm better yet, but the doc did say it was OK to try exercising and see how it felt for me. I might make a trip to the gym this afternoon, just to move. I probably should at this's a weird line to straddle for me, learning how to respect my body's need to heal vs. being afraid of my sickly self. I'm sure god's trying to teach me something, I'm just not sure what...:ohwell:

    Wishing you all a healthy, sunny and stabby-free day.

    Do unto others boogaloo.:flowerforyou:

    edited to add:
    MM, you have every right to be frustrated! Allow yourself that luxury...paperwork is a nightmare, especially when you do everything correctly and the system doesn't work. That whole "close enough for government work" is true, believe it. And, eating chocolate cake will not fix the system. It will just make you feel worse. Be frustrated. I wish I could take you to boxing class.:tongue:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    I thought that only happened in Texas, CP. What jerks. Every time I hear something like that, I want to go around to all the runners in my neighborhood with encouraging words. I think I might be classified as a freak at that point. It's also hard to think of what to say without sounding sarcastic.

    Did you try the spin/yoga class V? We are thinking Vancouver again - my mom expressed interest, and if parents go, they pay for the hotel and transportation. Am I spoiled or what? I wonder if the cats will allow us to go anywhere this year? Right now, we would need someone to come by 3x a day - that's $60 a day, hmmmm.

    Sorry about the frustration MM. I love the census (I'm a geography nut, what can I say), but I was taken aback when I got a thing in the mail saying that I'm about to get the census. Ok. That was a royal waste of money. Warning, warning, paper work coming...
    I feel the same way dealing with my work. They lost another time sheet. I just have to wonder how many hours less diligent people have worked for free.

    Well, I'm still not all better. I'm going to try a 30 minute walk today and see how it goes. If it goes ok, I'll double it. Sadly, no bike riding today - not up to that. The ride is next week - yikes!

    Ignore the little brained men (and hope they don't reproduce), boogaloo!
  • Bobbie145
    Bobbie145 Posts: 331 Member
    Hi, everyone! Yes, this week much better than last. Not getting in much exercise. No classes at the Y yesterday because of St Patrick's Day. We did go to the parade. It was fun. The boys were cold, hungry, bored, but my husband and I had fun! I thought kids were supposed to like parades? :noway: I did when I was a kid.

    CP: Don't know what to say about people who are such jerks. You know the old saying about how it says nothing about you, but a whole lot about them.

    MM: Thanks for keeping us posted on the adoption proceedings. Sure takes a while, doesn't it? :huh:

    Mary: Hope you get to feeling better and back to what you want to be able to do soon.

    V: I sure hope you get to feeling better, too. Maybe some nice spring weather will help!

    I'm hoping I will make it to spin in the morning. The time change is kicking my you know what! :yawn:

    Time change, boogaloo!

  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member

    Went to the gym and rode one of the "smart" spin bikes. My heart rate went up very easily, but I didn't feel short of breath. Also cool, the "smart bike" has a odometer function on it. I discovered that I rode 8 miles in a pretty breezy 25 minutes. Now I want to train up to a pretend century as a fitness goal. (or maybe a metric century for starters.) I've been working on non weight-loss/body fat loss fitness goals. I would also like to be healthy enough next spring to do the CN tower climb. (as I'm terrified of heights, this would be a double-whammy for me)

    Amazed at how relaxed/tired I feel now.
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Thanks, all, for the support. (The "guns" comment made me laugh, MM.) The truth is that there are so many things that I can find in my life or person to feel self-conscious or bad or ashamed about (really, you have no idea :tongue:)... but, honestly, running is not one of them. (Now, it used to be - I thought I was so slow and fat that people would look at me and think I was a joke. But these days, I am really just darn proud of myself, 100%. And if I see a heavier person jogging at any speed, I think "way to go!") I keep finding myself thinking about the sociological implications (I'm such an intellectual). Oh, and V, that comes from Fat Tony on The Simpsons: "I don't get mad. I get stabby." :laugh: But you totally put your finger on the aspects of it that I find disturbing. I know that not responding/engaging was the right thing to do in my personal case (the last thing I'd want is a confrontation with that sort of unstable character), but I also hate to think that he and his buddies go on thinking that they can act that way - and that someone else might feel hurt or victimized by it.

    Today was lovely. I went for a walk and even ate my lunch outside. Unfortunately, I think the pollen is coming out, because my eyes are itching and I feel very droopy. That, combined with not wanting to aggravate my knees with bouncy/twisty moves, and the vague notion that it might be a cold instead of allergies, made me decide to skip Zumba. Oh well. It was nice to just come home after work.

    MM, so sorry things are so frustrating right now. You're absolutely allowed to feel that way (and even cry if you want to). Oscar was my favorite Sesame Street character; Grumpy was my favorite CareBear, and I'm pretty sure Eeyore was my favorite Winnie-the-Pooh character. Dunno what the sociological implications of those preferences are! :wink: Bobbie, I think I had mixed feelings about parades - I really liked the idea of them, but then I was sometimes bored waiting for stuff to happen when I was actually at one. (Then I joined marching band and spent the rest of my school days being IN them.) Feel better, Mary - and sheesh about the timesheets. What a pain.

    Off to bed soon, boogaloo. :flowerforyou:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Up early today for my second to the last teaching day (what? how did that happen?) of the school year. I guess this is the bonus for having to go back on January 2nd from winter break.

    I'm hoping that the beauty weather holds out so that I can walk home from the subway station. If not, I may try to drag my husband out for a walk. (especially since I heard an ugly rumour that after a week in the mid-upper 60s F, we're supposed to get snow on Monday.:grumble: As my grandmother used to say "I have a word for that, but I can't say it, because I am a lady.") Alternately, I could head over to the gym for a short elliptical session. So happy to be pondering workouts again!

    I talked to my trainer last night, and she proposed that I start on a "heavy workout/light workout every other day" if I do a vigorous (say spinning or boxing) workout one day...I'm only allowed to do walking, non-aerobic weights, or low heart rate sessions, or yoga the next day. Seemed to make sense to me. She also made the comment "since I can't seem to convince you to take days off". The thing is, I love all my workouts...and they only line up on my schedule one day a week for the most part. If I take Tuesday off, I'd miss Zumba...Thursday, and I'd miss spin, etc...I said to her "but working out is my prozac!" I was joking...but I wasn't lying.

    Wishing you all days of magically working out paperwork, high self esteem, entertained and obedient kids, and no snifflies. Oh, and good workouts all around.:heart:

    Nearly (my) normal boogaloo!:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Good morning,
    Short post here. Thanks everyone for your encouragement. I've never done anything this stressful and suspenseful before. I can hardly stand it! lol. We got an email from Olga the agency director and Andre (our translator/driver in Russia) is going to apply for a court date on Tuesday. He's going to push for a mid-end April court date which is 4-6 weeks from now. And this guy knows how to get things done so it would not surprise me if he manages it! I don't suppose any of you have an FBI agent friend that owes you a favor do they? :wink: If we can get an agent to call in some time over the next two weeks we are thinking he/she might be able to push our paperwork through faster. We'll probably be calling everyday to nag them and keep it in front of them.
    I think all this stress is why my stomach has gotten bigger. I've heard that can cause that. And obviously not working out doesn't help Everything else is spreading too. I am hoping to get back to some kind of routine next week. I'm running out of clothes to wear. :grumble:
    Today: Bible study, cleaning, cooking, and Alex's OT is probably coming over tonight. I'm getting anxious for Alex's glasses to come in. I wish they'd hurry up. Remember the patience conversation we were having? Yeah, I need it.
    Another goal for the day: eat well and not as much. I sure wish I had you guys's motivation, determination, and self control. :ohwell:
    Case of the "don't wannas" boogaloo.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    I managed more than an hour of slow walking yesterday. Today is double yoga - a new studio is opening with free yoga all day, so I can't pass that up. Oh, and maybe a bike ride to get some cat food. I'm 90% better. I'm doing an entire class revolved (:wink: ) around revolved triangle.

    I asked the group exercise instructor what I can do to fix the timesheet thing - never heard back, grrr. I guess I could stop by her office today. Just silly. Doesn't make me want to sub though.

    I ordered some more toe shoes. I no longer want to wear my traditional sneakers.

    Barefoot, boogaloo!
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