zuchinni meltdown

Just have to share this. So I baked yesterday and had no desire really to have anything. Put the buns away after I had one, put the lemon slice away no problem. But then as I am flipping the zuchinni loaves out of the pan two broke apart. As I am laying in bed last night thinking about it, it occurred to me that I was much like a vampire. I was ok as long as the "skin" wasn't broken, but my god when that loaf broke open! Honestly, I was like a vampire seeing blood come out of broken skin!!!!!!!! Just started popping it in my mouth! Had to share cause the comparison was so true!!!! Today is a new day!!!!!


  • volleygirl1980
    volleygirl1980 Posts: 121 Member
    I totally understand where you're coming from..

    For me, I realize that a small piece of chocolate will trigger a binge..so, I've identified my trigger foods and am avoiding them completely..

    I figure I'll slowly incorporate them back in at one point..just not yet..