Hi everybody!

5auce Posts: 51 Member
I figure since I've used this board for inspiration I migh a member. Like many of you I decided to change my life. I'm over weight and unhappy. I was drinking about 6 pints a day, not eatit as well becomeng all day except for late late dinner which consisted of a huge portion of carbs and junk. Aside from taking my kiddo to school in the morning and cleaning the house I was pretty stagnant. I couldn't fit into anything and my skin was horrible. I needed a change. Starting Jan 1st I quit drinking and started phase 1 of south beach along with 30mins to an hour of walking every day. After phase 1 was complete I added 30 day shred to my daily regiment. I'm almost done with level 1. I feel so much better-inside. Of course I'm sore but I've noticed I have so much more energy and feel all around happier. The most important thing I have to remember is just to take it one day at a time. Hopefully I can add my amazing results to this site and get healthy and most importantly, happy. :happy:


  • xoxerinxox
    Good luck with all your goal, I know you can do it!
    Feel free to add me if you need more friends :)