Interesting tips for weight loss and fat loss



  • Amberh82
    Amberh82 Posts: 468 Member
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    NEVER eat after 6:48pm!!


    Actually you have it wrong, you HAVE to ONLY eat at 6:48pm. It is the MM - or magic minute. It is the ONE time of day where calories don't matter, so if you eat within that period, you loose weight without stress.

    But there IS a problem - it takes planning and dedication, and even with the strongest dedication sometimes you slip up!!! So anyway I'll have all of my food laid out on my desk like a picnic and be prepared to scarf it down, but then someone walks into my office and keeps talking and talking and I sadly watch as the MM (magic minute) passes by and my food window slams shut. I am so terribly hungry I haven't been able to catch the MM in three days and I am basically in starvation mode right now.

    I think I might pass ou

    The problem is that your desk doesn't look like Magic Mike's torso. Get a new desk and you'll know longer miss you MM!
  • DrBroPHD
    DrBroPHD Posts: 245 Member
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    NEVER eat after 6:48pm!!


    Actually you have it wrong, you HAVE to ONLY eat at 6:48pm. It is the MM - or magic minute. It is the ONE time of day where calories don't matter, so if you eat within that period, you loose weight without stress.

    But there IS a problem - it takes planning and dedication, and even with the strongest dedication sometimes you slip up!!! So anyway I'll have all of my food laid out on my desk like a picnic and be prepared to scarf it down, but then someone walks into my office and keeps talking and talking and I sadly watch as the MM (magic minute) passes by and my food window slams shut. I am so terribly hungry I haven't been able to catch the MM in three days and I am basically in starvation mode right now.

    I think I might pass ou

    The problem is that your desk doesn't look like Magic Mike's torso. Get a new desk and you'll know longer miss you MM!

    I AM A CHRISTIAN AND I WOULD NEVER WATCH SUCH FILTH TYVM. My husband is quite enough but it would be very creepy to have my husband's torso on my desk!!!!! Plus I might burn him with my coffee LOL!!!!!
  • irjeffb
    irjeffb Posts: 274 Member
    Great post. Thank you.
  • Tann33
    Tann33 Posts: 101 Member
    Love :smile:
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Never eat more than 500 calories in one sitting. A woman can effectively manage to digest 300-400 calories at once while a man can deal with 500-600.

    Lollercoaster, wouldn't that be a good thing if you ate more then, you'd just pass it I suppose and it wouldn't be stored?
  • chubbychristianchick

    Get rid of your scale and use how your clothes fit to gauge results.

    LOL I only wear yoga pants and sweatshirts I think it will be a bit hard to gauge based on stretchy pants and shirts that are a already to big. But thanks for the read!
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    When it comes to calories, quality is more important that quantity.
    Riiiiiiighttt.. I'll just go eat 4k calories of bananas dipped in peanut butter now. Sounds legit.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Never eat more than 500 calories in one sitting. A woman can effectively manage to digest 300-400 calories at once while a man can deal with 500-600.

    Lollercoaster, wouldn't that be a good thing if you ate more then, you'd just pass it I suppose and it wouldn't be stored?

    Indeed. I'm going to eat one meal each day, of at least 3000 calories, for the next year...and yet, since I'll only be absorbing 500-600 calories, I will likely find myself in actual starvation mode.



  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    You might wanna preface this with - here are some good ideas that may or may not work for you LMAO
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    You might wanna preface this with - here are some good ideas that may or may not work for you LMAO

    I agree with this^^^^ Some people are such A-holes. THANKS FOR THE TIPS.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    I stopped reading at "eat breakfast"

    But that means you didn't get to this gem: "Never eat more than 500 calories in one sitting. A woman can effectively manage to digest 300-400 calories at once while a man can deal with 500-600. "

    Edit: for maximum effect.

  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    You might wanna preface this with - here are some good ideas that may or may not work for you LMAO

    Or, perhaps, "here are some mostly good ideas that may or may not work for you, although several may not be based on actual science."
  • vicrandom
    vicrandom Posts: 80 Member
    Hmmm. Limiting my meals to 500 cals would have me eating 4-5 500 cal meals a day to hit my fatass BMR. Which would totally bone my blood sugar.

    I know it's not wise to have undigested food hanging out in the gut, rotting away, but...

    wait, whatever. Pretty good list overall.
  • krissielynn87
    krissielynn87 Posts: 214 Member
    Don't eat after midnight!
    Oh wait...
  • dare2love81
    dare2love81 Posts: 928 Member
    Never eat more than 500 calories in one sitting. A woman can effectively manage to digest 300-400 calories at once while a man can deal with 500-600.

    Lollercoaster, wouldn't that be a good thing if you ate more then, you'd just pass it I suppose and it wouldn't be stored?

    Indeed. I'm going to eat one meal each day, of at least 3000 calories, for the next year...and yet, since I'll only be absorbing 500-600 calories, I will likely find myself in actual starvation mode.




    Seems legit. What happens to all the extra calories I eat at each meal then? By this logic I can go to McDonald's and eat everything on the menu, but not worry about any of the calories past the first cheeseburger? Huh...

    *runs to car*
  • mk_hammer
    mk_hammer Posts: 105
    Lost me at this one: Don't waste your time in the gym if you're not eating right. Results are 90% diet, you do the math.

    So, if you're not on point with your diet, don't even bother exercising? :huh:
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Never eat more than 500 calories in one sitting. A woman can effectively manage to digest 300-400 calories at once while a man can deal with 500-600.

    Lollercoaster, wouldn't that be a good thing if you ate more then, you'd just pass it I suppose and it wouldn't be stored?

    Indeed. I'm going to eat one meal each day, of at least 3000 calories, for the next year...and yet, since I'll only be absorbing 500-600 calories, I will likely find myself in actual starvation mode.




    Seems legit. What happens to all the extra calories I eat at each meal then? By this logic I can go to McDonald's and eat everything on the menu, but not worry about any of the calories past the first cheeseburger? Huh...

    *runs to car*

    Wait...don't go yet, you forgot to read the part about giving up all fast food.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Lost me at this one: Don't waste your time in the gym if you're not eating right. Results are 90% diet, you do the math.

    So, if you're not on point with your diet, don't even bother exercising? :huh:

    That should read, weight loss is 100% diet (to be read as caloric deficit) and that exercise will help you with both body composition and increasing that caloric deficit.