Portion sizes

I am working on dropping 20lbs (230lbs to 210lbs) while I start training for my first half marathon. Last summer my wife who runs marathons really got me into running. After completing a few 5ks and a 10k I wanted to up the challenge and do a half.

Problem is, with the more milage I have been putting in I find myself hungry more often and eating lots of carbs which is hindering my weight loss. I usually try to have something small like a apple or banana but that doesn't do much and when I get to my meals I find myself over eatting (or atleast it feels like it) because I am so hungry. I have never had a problem with exersize and eatting health, however my challenge now and ever since I can remember is portion sizes. I have tried high fiber foods as I heard they tend to fill you up more but to no luck. Any suggestions?

