Cheat Days

So on Saturday night I was hanging out with friends and decided to pig out on pizza and cheese fries (5 slices of a large and half an order of cheese fries to be precise). I recently weight in down 18.5 pounds and seeing as I haven't eaten a "meal" that unhealthy since mid-January, I figured I'd earned it! Ultimately, however, I ended up feeling very guilty (but not regretful). This made me realize that, although I loved eating the pizza and fries, I couldn't justify doing it again the next day (for reference, I used to order pizza about 4 nights a week and eat at least 3-4 slices). I've noticed that working towards a healthier style of eating has really put my conscience in motion when it comes to eating badly. This got me thinking so I have two questions for everyone out there!

1.) What's the worst thing you've eaten since you got started dieting?

2.) Do you have cheat days or meals? What do you like to indulge with when you do?



  • rosalie_g
    rosalie_g Posts: 71
    OMG I LOOOVE pizza!! lol In fact it's the only thing that I still REALLY crave.
    The worst thing I have eaten since stating this journey in January is pizza. I did ok as far as staying withing my ww points and mfp calories but I felt bad after eating it. It weighed me down and made me feel pretty icky. I still can't help it, pizza is my one weakness lol
    As far as cheat days I dont really do those. I indulge once in a while in something like chinese food or pizza but I really still try to keep it within my points and calories. I cant bring myself to have a day when I just eat anything without thinking about my new lifestyle. Without even trying now I am so aware of everything I am putting in my mouth.
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    First off, cheese fries sound soooo good right now. I would kill for an order from Kelly's Roast Beef.

    Technically, I haven't had a cheat day since I started at the end of January. Haven't gone over my calories, or not tracked a day, but that's not to say I haven't eaten poorly at times...I've just fit it in.

    Worst thing I've eaten is hands down Sausage & Pepper Baked Ziti. Terrible, but so delicious. I also eat a Cadbury Creme Egg about every other day...whoops!

    If I chose to have a cheat day, I'd eat about 4 slices of green pepper and sausage pizza. So delicious.
  • simona1972
    simona1972 Posts: 355 Member
    I had a cheat day on Saturday...regretted it horribly. I ate potato chips and chocolate cake and worst of exercise that day. I felt horrible all night.

    That was my first "cheat" since starting at MFP.
  • kilburni
    kilburni Posts: 22
    haha, I'm glad to see the love for pizza! Yeah, the cheese fries really didn't need to happen but my friends got them and I wasn't about to say no...

    @allislefttogain...Kelly's Roast Beef? Are you from the Boston area? I am but I've never actually eaten there...are you saying that the day after my diet ends Kelly's Cheese Fries should be my first indulgence?
  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    I have only been logging my food intake for only two weeks as of tomorrow, so I don't know if I qualify to answer your questions, but I will anyway.

    The worst thing I have eaten since I started "dieting" is chinese food (chicken and broccoli w/ brown rice and I also had 4 pcs of a California roll). I would definitely consider this a cheat meal. What made it acceptable is that I took a 60-minute spin class that day, so I had a little over 1000 calories extra to eat.

    I try and take spin every Saturday morning, so that works out to be a great day to have those extra calories to consume.

    So even if you want to have your pizza and cheese fries (which I totally enjoy myself), just try to limit your portion. That way you can still enjoy without feeling completely guilty.
  • firegirlred
    firegirlred Posts: 674 Member
    I trust my body to tell me when I need to cheat. Not at first, because then I was already hungry. But cheat meals, while making you feel guilty, are good for the body and the soul.
    Upping your calories for a meal when you AREN'T in starvation mode (from what I understand) tricks your body into upping your metabolism. Banks can correct me if I'm wrong. Also, all that stuff you've been avoiding? You can have it. I wouldn't do it every week, but maybe one or two times a month, and not a 3,000 calorie meal!

    The biggest key to this is to relax. Try not to stress. If you're doing it right (and I think you are) then the weight WILL come off. But indulge every now and then.

    As for me, I still eat the crap I "shouldn't." I just have reasonable portions. For example, I have the "fun size" snickers for breakfast rather than the king size one. So enjoy your pizza. But one or two slices with some cucumber slices on the side rather than the whole pie.

    You're doing a good job... Don't feel guilty-just enjoy your success.
  • gottagetitoff
    I do stray, but not often and think of it as a way of life, not a diet. Things come up and we are going to go out or be invited to parties. I do however ask myself if I "really" want it...if so, I go for it with no regret. If not, I skip it ll together. I have learned that some things set me cake. it relly is like giving an alcoholic a want more!! So I try to stay far away from those things...don't feel guilty, just realize how crappy and sluggish you felt the next day. good luck
  • vanillasugar
    vanillasugar Posts: 246 Member
    I'm 3 weeks in and have had "bad meals" (first 2 weeks had birthday parties for nephews to attend and had cake...mmmm, lol) but I knew it was coming, planned for it and made sure I ate healthy and light prior and was still within calorie goal for those days. I too am looking at this as a lifestyle change rather than a diet so I know like a prior poster said that there are going to be days you are just going to want something "bad". I am with the crowd who believes you should definitely indulge once in a while. That being said, unless I just really screw up, I do not plan to ever have entire cheat DAYS, but I am planning to indulge in a cheat meal once every other week or so and see how it goes. I had my first this past Friday. Mexican. Enjoyed every bite :tongue:

    Pizza is also my weakness btw and my next cheat meal will likely be just that, lol.
  • raleighgoodwins
    raleighgoodwins Posts: 68 Member
    Cheat day? This weekend was more like a Cheat 3-days for me. for Friday and Saturday I did stay within my calorie goals, on Sat it was thanks to walking 3 miles very briskly. But Friday - Cheeseburger, FF, blue moon beer. Yummy! Saturday evening - chicken parmesan and chianti - also yum. Sunday I did pretty well until my husband made brownies and brownie Sundays for the kids. I tried hard to resist but broke down about 10 pm and had one. It was delish.

    Today I am back on track and have vowed not to stray.

    Honestly, the cheeseburger and FF made me feel kind of sick. I'm so used to NOT eating that kind of food after about a month on the MFP that it really hit me. And for the Ckix Parm - I ended up taking most of the pasta home but did eat all the chicken and drink the wine.

    I'm encouraged to hear that other people have these lapses too. And I'm also glad to feel that I can get right back on that horse and keep going after having a little binge like that.
  • dmags
    dmags Posts: 303

    Kelly's!?!?! Where are you from? I love Kelly's. Best cheese burgers, butter on the roll!
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    @allislefttogain...Kelly's Roast Beef? Are you from the Boston area? I am but I've never actually eaten there...are you saying that the day after my diet ends Kelly's Cheese Fries should be my first indulgence?

    Born and raised north of Boston! Moved out of town for college and then for a few years after, but moved back in June. Every time I came home, Kelly's was always on my list of things to do. I don't really like their roast beef, but those cheese fries, all of their fried seafood and the buffalo chicken wrap are so so good. Forgot going the day after you get to your goal, just go now!
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member

    Kelly's!?!?! Where are you from? I love Kelly's. Best cheese burgers, butter on the roll!

    Ha ha ha. I don't think I've ever had a cheeseburger from there. Now you're making me want to go...the closest one is about a 5 minute drive from my office! I'm in Massachusetts, about 25 miles north of Boston!
  • kilburni
    kilburni Posts: 22
    @allislefttogain and @dmags...gotta enjoy the Boston love on MFP!
  • raleighgoodwins
    raleighgoodwins Posts: 68 Member
    I'm also from Mass. Grew up on the South Shore, my first college roommate was from Revere and she turned me on to Kelly's fried clams. Nothing like that down here!
  • dmags
    dmags Posts: 303
    grew up in NH, lived in Cambridge for 13 years, and then married a guy from Dorchester! But one of my best friends worked at the Rever Kelly's forever and then managed the one in Saugus... lot's of free food! Good thing he has moved on!