Running and Effects on Weightloss



  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    Losing weight is a matter of consuming fewer calories than you use. Running isn't inherently better than anything else for losing weight, and more often than not people seem to WAY overestimate the calories they burned while running (because it's hard) and end up overeating. Recognize that a 3 mile run may or may not "earn" enough calories for a snickers bar (barely), and you'll be ok.

    1. When did it get easier?

    It was about 6 months before an "easy run" actually felt easy. It was marginally less sucky from week to week until that point.

    2. Any pre or post run snacks meals you recommend?

    I run on an empty stomach-and just have breakfast after (usually oatmeal).

    3. Did you include strength training? (I am two days a week and yoga one)

    I do not, but probably should for a multitude of reasons.

    4. How did you keep yourself motivated along the way.

    My motivation is my own (see profile) - you will need to find your own as well.

    Good luck-don't overthink it or overcomplicate it. Get fitted for good shoes, download your favorite c25k app and have at it.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I have to agree with tiffanyhardym.

    My two cents, I am a guy, but my legs look awesome. After running for three months, three times a week I added in circuit training that included squats and lunges. I have now been running for 6 months straight and can run 3.1 Miles (5K) three times a week at a 8 Minute 30 Second per mile pace.

    Read Born to Run for inspiration. Watch videos on technique and decide what kind of runner you will be (Heel strike/mid-foot strike).

    Take it slow. Where appropriate foot wear for your running style.

    Run as far as you can, stops and all, for 24 minutes, do not worry about distance. I stated by running away from home, than turning around and running home at a logical turn around point (street corner). Keep doing that until it becomes easy and add distance slowly.


    Nutrition is primarily why I have lost weight, running and resistance exercise is why I am looking tight and feeling good.

    Define stretch.

    Don't STATIC STRETCH. Dynamic stretching, if you do at all. Static stretching can actually increase your risk of injury. I do light dynamic stretches before training and competition runs.
  • agerman27
    agerman27 Posts: 17 Member
    I found a great c25K app on my phone tonight. I did my treadmill workout and really enjoyed it. I guess there is something about working toward a goal.

    As for how far I can run right now, not very, hence the program above. I think I may sign up for a 5K the second week of April. That will give me a good 10 weeks.

    One benefit of working out that I had forgotten is the sleep effect. I have been sleeping much much better since I started working out again. I'm about looking for non-weight related wins and that definitely is a big one for me. Off to bed!