New Girl on the Block

Hey all! I recently hit the highest weight I've been in my life and decided it's time for a change! I'm 22 years old, 5'7, started at 160lbs. I work 5 days a week (as a secretary, sittin on my hiney for 8 hours), and coach softball for 2 and a half hours after that. Sitting here at work I find myself snacking several times a day, and not on very healthy snacks. I need to get into a good exercise routine because waking up at 6AM to be at work by 7AM, then working the 8 hours, and coaching for 2 and a half more, by the time I get home and have dinner, it's time for me to shower and by that point I'm exhausted! What's a good way to work myself into the exercising? And to begin to curb my appetite? I have never been a soda drinker, so that isn't an issue. New to the whole weight loss thing, so any advice would be helpful!


  • stringsNlinks
    stringsNlinks Posts: 293 Member
    Time is my enemy too! Try getting up 20 minutes earlier and walking - do you have a tread mill? Initially the 20 minutes will benefit. when you get into it you will be surprised at how much more energy you have and then you will find a lot more time to exercise. Also, make yourself get up at least 2-3 times a day from your desk and go for a walk about, if you have stairs a work incorporate a couple sets of them. I am guessing you are entitled to breaks or lunch at work.

    Tips that helped me (because I'm not so good in the am) is planning. Lay out your clothes for work and also for early am workout. takes the thinking out of it.

    Load up your desk and fridge at work with healthy snacks and bring your lunch as often as possible.

    MEASURE FOOD at first....I tried eyeballing food at first because, after all, I know how much a 1/2 cup is...NOT at all, I was way off.
    so measure until you truly have a sense of it.

    hopw this is helpful - expect the best of yourself!
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    I used to get up at 6am to get ready for work and would always plan on working out afterwards. But I've gotten to the point where things kept coming up or I'd work late or didn't feel like working out, etc. I always stuck to my calories so it's not like I needed to work out to stay within my goals, but the thing is I WANT to work out so I was getting depressed, discouraged, frustrated, you name it!

    So now, I get up at 5am and get a good 5 min warmup, 40 min workout, 5 min cooldown and time to log my exercise and eat a little something before showering and leaving for work. Nice thing that makes this happen is my husband gets up a little earlier than he normally would to take care of the dogs so I have more time. I also get my stuff together at night to save me time in the morning - makes a world of difference!

    Granted, you'd think that getting up at 5am this morning would be painful after Sunday's DST change, but I found it very easy because I made up my mind last night that I was going to, no excuses! And I feel more awake, full of energy at work, and for a Monday, that's AWESOME! :D

    Get a body ball (from Walmart about $20) that you can use instead of your chair at work. It engages your abs and it comes with exercies you can do while sitting on it. It's always something! And if you can't walk around in the office, get out on your break and walk around the parking lot! We've got people her that do that every couple hours (and we've got a huge parking lot!).
  • elf1590
    elf1590 Posts: 28
    Thanks for those tips! Unfortunately I don't have a treadmill, or stairs here at work. I actually work at a construction site, and our offices are in a single wide trailer, so there's not much room for even walking around the office. I had to go to the store last week to try and pick out things that would be, at the very least BETTER for me than the things I'd been eating, even if they're not the healthiest of foods. I'm a Little Debbie lover! I was always active in high school and never had to worry about my weight. But since getting a desk job I've noticed I'm going to have to be more careful. Once again, thanks for the tips, and look forward to cheering each other on in the future :)