question!!!!!! need advice or suggestions!!!

so last night i went to work out in the basement. its not insilated or anything, so it was cold down there. i chose to work out down there because i have more space to move around and jump or whatever. so i was only like 5 min into the dvd (Turbo Fire) and FYI i am not a beginner at it, yes i struggle lol, but its nothing out of the ordinary! so i had just finished warming up and had just started to get into the actual working out and i became extremely short of breath, had like a mini asthma attack, my chest felt like it was caving in and i could not breath, so i went upstairs thinking maybe since the air was warm i could compose myself, but it toook about 20min for me to get air into my lungs fully. i was wheezing and felt light headed. i took a breathing treatment which did wonders!! i dont have asthma, yet it does run in the family. i do get bronchitis oftten but its due to the seasons!, not sure if this all happened because it was in cold in the basement. this has never happened to me before. any suggestions, or comments??


  • nfgchick79
    nfgchick79 Posts: 89 Member
    A phone call or visit to your primary doctor might not be a bad idea. I'd get that checked out just in case. Better safe than sorry!
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 646 Member
    You could get it checked out but I get like that in cold (cooler air) if I exercise. Even in the spring or fall, the air is too cool in the evenings, I get wheezy and a headache.
  • AddieOverhaul
    AddieOverhaul Posts: 734 Member
    You might want to get checked for mild asthma, you can get it at any age. My mom was in her 50's when she was diagnosed, I was about 13. The cold air can be a trigger for asthma.

    I that's what it is and it is mild it is pretty easy to deal with. I'm a new runner so I just take my inhaler about 20 minutes before I run and it seems to keep things in check.

    Good luck!
  • FlamencoGal
    FlamencoGal Posts: 126 Member
    There is such a thing as cold induced asthma.
  • deladypilot
    deladypilot Posts: 618 Member
    I agree, make a phone call to your dr and find out. No matter what it is, I hope you are ok.
  • freetobeme26
    freetobeme26 Posts: 20 Member
    thank u all soo much. i didnt want to take it serious if it wasnt something to worry about, i am def gonn have that checked!
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    I agree about seeing your doctor.

    A different possibility, however, could be CO or Radon. Is your furnace or anything else that burns in the basement (gas water heater). Do you have a CO detector down there? Might just be poor air quality that you have never really noticed until you started exercising. If so, you probably want to get that fixed as well since it can be very dangerous for those gasses to accumulate in your house.